So, decided to go in a slightly different direction here. I'm a fan-fiction writer, when I can summon up sufficient focus to actually put things together and actually write. So, rather than ask what you think is going to happen next or what you would like to happen next, I thought: Why not be a bit more imaginative?
So, here is a list of ideas I think are all slightly plausible arcs that could be written for Questionable Content. Some are more exotic than others but I would argue that none are unthinkable. What idea is your favourite?
Me? I like the idea of Marten following up his dream of becoming a musical instrument repairman. However, this is Questionable Content and Northampton. Nothing is easy or straightforward in such a universe. Maybe he meets self-aware musical instruments with very particular ideas about how they're to be tuned? Maybe there is a ghost of a failed composer still trying to work out that piano concerto? Maybe, like in Alan Dean Foster's Spellsinger books, music really is magic... or at least sufficiently advanced technology.
What do you think? Feel free to throw your own ideas out there!