Funny you should mention this, was just listening to it the other day... it's scary because the guy really is quite good at rapping. Only, he's rapping in a pirate accent. About pirates.
As gimmick albums go, this one is really, really well executed. Think my favourite one is the story of Blackbeard's Treasure
Black beard's chest! it was sitting right there
a mountain of gold in the open air
I was just so focused then on what I'd be worth
i didn't notice a rumble under the earth
What the hell is this? a dragon! blast!
Better call all the maties over here really fast
it went something like this- The dragon was pissed
and ate all my sailors in the flick of a wrist
With a metallic crash, the PD10 apeared
I'm sorry but the plot here gets kinda wierd
see I've drank so much rum since this story begun
I forgot what happened at the end of the run.
Oh yes i remember, the dragon was slain,
the robots laser shot and splattered his brains!
I took all the loot, and shot back to my ship,
went back to Havana and chilled for a bit.
"Flintlock Glock" is hilarious too.