That's the thing I like least about some Bright Eyes fans and most Bright Eyes haters: they're so stupid they don't realise that he is aware of the persona he presents to the world and does not always like it or take it seriously. I mean, the fake interview on Fevers and Mirrors should be proof enough for anyone who isn't functionally retarded.
besides that, why judge the man's work on largely irrelevant things, like the behavior of his fans, people he has no contact with or personal control over? music is meant for listening to and thinking about and enjoying, primarily on a personal level. why let other idiots ruin something that could be enjoyed? no, i'm not saying you necessarily would enjoy it without those fans, but the existence of idiots is not a good reason to hate. jesus was not responsible for the crusades; nietzsche was not responsible for the holocaust.
seriously, if something is pleasing, for whatever reason, end of story. even if the creator him(her)self is a complete idiot, obnoxious, a horrible person, that sometimes still does not keep them from creating something very worth your time. besides the fact that there are various strata of enjoyment, and just because one might value highly intellectual or philosophical subject matter the majority of the time does not mean that some quality ass-shaking is never in order.
*descends soap box*