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Author Topic: World of Warcraft  (Read 709306 times)


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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #2600 on: 26 Jan 2011, 12:56 »

Someone explain these to me:

Giant prairie dog with a helmet and dagger.

Giant rabbit with an axe.

These were on a plateau in the Barrens right next to the border to Mulgore. I saw them when I was flying around for the Elder stuff and was all WTF and had to take a screen shot because it looked to ridiculous to be real.
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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #2601 on: 26 Jan 2011, 17:53 »

oh good god 4lko jaeger bomb. Holy goood god what have I done.
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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #2602 on: 17 Feb 2011, 08:49 »

I haven't burned out but I have been working these last 10 days and have not been near my computer, my sub ran out before last patch and I have no money for the next few days but I need to resub asap to finish levelling that warlock and that DK so I have something worth playing since the Juggernaught nerf.


Anyone tell me if it is really that bad?
still new here, didn't wanna piss anyone off


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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #2603 on: 17 Feb 2011, 15:28 »

No idea, I haven't actually played in weeks and my account expires today. Only reason I've logged on at all is to say goodbye to people and give away my 80k gold to the like 5-6 people who still play on my server who are cool.
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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #2604 on: 18 Feb 2011, 02:08 »

I think my account expires on the 4th, I dunno. I shifted WoW onto my external and haven't really touched it in a month. Currently spending my time reading, writing, socialising and replaying DA:O/DA:OA for my DA2 imports.


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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #2605 on: 18 Feb 2011, 06:34 »

Lately, I've just been doing holiday achievements, Tol Barad dailies (dragon mount is so cool), and playing alts. The only reason I'm not canceling is because I got a 60 day game card. It's getting boring and I'm busy with school all the time anyways.
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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #2606 on: 18 Feb 2011, 12:02 »

had to cancel my account today, so it ends at the end of the month, for once not because I want to, but because I'm just completely out of all money of any kind, plus some priorities that have managed to pick themselves up in the past couple weeks.
Yeah, I mean, "I won't kill and eat you if you won't kill and eat me" is typically a ground rule for social groups.


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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #2607 on: 27 Feb 2011, 21:04 »

So I haven't been playing that much of late but a friend mentioned 4.1 so I went to mmo champion to check it out, and I fell in love.

I must have it. at a guess I'd say its going to be the guild reward for taking down Ragnaros in the Firelands, which might actually be doable in my current guild as long as we all stay on target this time rather than all kind of wandering off and leveling alts like we did this time.
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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #2608 on: 28 Feb 2011, 08:31 »


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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #2609 on: 18 Apr 2011, 14:11 »

Anyone still enjoying this game or have you all given up? I am still playing off and on so as "Not to fall behind" or something :/
still new here, didn't wanna piss anyone off


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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #2610 on: 18 Apr 2011, 14:52 »

I'm still playing because I got given a year's free play, but I've lost the desire to actually do anything, which bites because I used to really enjoy it.
oh good god 4lko jaeger bomb. Holy goood god what have I done.
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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #2611 on: 18 Apr 2011, 16:56 »

I quit some time ago. Starcraft 2 hoooooo!
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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #2612 on: 18 Apr 2011, 17:31 »

Yeah, haven't even looked back.
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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #2613 on: 19 Apr 2011, 13:45 »

I've been leveling up an alt because I had a game card, but I'm about to call it quits. I am really bored with everything and don't see the point in doing randoms anymore, since you wait around for 30min and there's a chance the tank or healer will drop within the first 5 minutes.
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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #2614 on: 20 Apr 2011, 13:37 »

Everyone, just like me is losing interest. My account expires next week.

In other news, if this has been posted before forgive me but WTF is this? I hate gold farmers, but uhm, I think it's just a tad bit extreme.


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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #2615 on: 03 May 2011, 10:26 »

I quit for the fifth and (most likely) final time several months ago. Cataclysm was neat and had a lot of new ideas, but I hit 80 VERY swiftly. The challenges went from easy (or nonexistent) to insane with heroics. Not so much because the heroics themselves were hard, mind you, but because they were designed where people actually had to pay attention and use all the abilities they were given and it seemed like NOBODY I grouped with for the relatively few I did was doing that.

Once I hit that wall, and I realise that I had actually done everything else I could do aside commit my life to a guild for raiding, I knew my time was finally at an end.


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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #2616 on: 03 May 2011, 15:09 »

Anyone still enjoying this game or have you all given up? I am still playing off and on so as "Not to fall behind" or something :/

I still enjoy it, and not just because I have to (it's my replacement addiction for smoking and drinking, so without WoW I'm a raging alcoholic with a smoker's cough again). I love getting achievements; it's an addiction that makes me feel like I'm awesome. Which is hard to find, so you know. *thumbs up*

I play off and on mostly because I'm fulltime in classes and it's hard to squeeze in, but once my summer break kicks in I have a feeling my boyfriend and I will just be on our accounts all the time. Maybe occasionally switching out for Civilization IV. Or sleep or food or something.


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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #2617 on: 03 May 2011, 15:32 »

Given up and moved on to Shogun 2 and job applications.
Oddly enough the "oh no boobs!" box in the background of todays comic is my usual reaction.


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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #2618 on: 03 May 2011, 20:03 »

I forgot that I was only 3 holidays away from my Violet Proto Drake, so I haven't cancelled yet. I did the quest chain in STV for the 4.1 content and now I'm stuck because I don't have good enough gear for the Zandalari heroics. Yay...

Ok, so anyone with a drake out there...How did you get School of Hard Knocks done? I've tried AV several times now and no one will cooperate with the towers, even those who are trying to do it. I haven't even tried EoS or WG yet, but got AB pretty easy. Any tips would be great as I'm not big on PvP and really can't stand most people who do BGs. (Sorry BG players, but sometimes you are assholes. Which is why I hate it.)

Why is it that players who aren't avid PvPers or raiders can't have nice things, too?
« Last Edit: 03 May 2011, 20:07 by Linds »
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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #2619 on: 04 May 2011, 00:22 »

Because those players might play OTHER games, and Blizzard needs all your time focussed on its game... or else.
Oddly enough the "oh no boobs!" box in the background of todays comic is my usual reaction.

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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #2620 on: 04 May 2011, 12:22 »

Guild BGs. And tbh, if something was easy or fast in WoW, I wouldn't do it.
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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #2621 on: 04 May 2011, 13:27 »

I don't want fast and/or easy. That's boring. But this is seriously the only part of the holiday achievement that is really giving me problems and really it boils down to me not being in a PvP guild. Or an active guild in general.

I mean, I'm glad Cata isn't a cake walk like WotLK, but I never really liked the old battlegrounds except for Arathi Basin. I liked Wintergrasp and I like Tol Barad, but getting people you don't know to let you capture a flag or let you assault a tower is kind of a bitch. (Like, I begged some guy to let some Horde assault a tower so I could re-assault it and he wouldn't let me and proceeded to laugh and kill everything.)
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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #2622 on: 06 May 2011, 06:28 »

My account ran out on the 2nd.  And good riddance.  You know the game has a problem when you have to dread a patch for the bugs it will bring.  On top of that, the "improvements" they make are beyond questionable... some of the stuff they do is just downright stupid.  I'm done trying to find enjoyment in a game that is seemingly trying to ruin itself.


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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #2623 on: 07 May 2011, 21:45 »

i ran through the hard knocks achieve pretty early in the week.   i guess i got kinda lucky because 3 of the bg's i got into were filled with people wanting to get it done.  so wsg, each team had an enemy in their base who would grab and drop the flag so it could get returned.  i even ended up getting the frenzy one from returning it 5 times or something after everyone on my team had cycled through.  av had a bunker and tower filled with both factions just capping it back and forth.   there were those who couldn't look past the 'red you're dead' mentality.  but they were quickly stomped on while their allies stood by and watched.

later in the week trying to get it done on a lesser used alt, i ran into a lot more of what linds saw.  in an eots where our team had 3 bases and were clearly going to win the match running away, some warrior grabbed the flag and just held it the entire game.  i asked if i could get the achieve done, he told me he was here to win not to let some kid get achievements.   so naturally i gathered as many enemy players as i could find and led them in a little chase to where he was hiding with the flag.   i got that achievement done a short time later.  =P

anyways, i think i just got lucky.
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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #2624 on: 08 May 2011, 07:05 »

I got AB and EoS done relatively fast, because it's easy for me to stealth up in cat form and wait for everyone to be too busy PVPing to notice someone clicking on a flag. I gave up trying to do WSG and AV, though. I couldn't get a group together by spamming trade and people weren't really willing to work together. If I'm still playing this summer, I'll finish the midsummer stuff and just try again for children's week next year. I feel like I would have had an easier time if I wasn't lvl 85 and competing with a bunch of people who do this all the time, but oh well.
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Re: World of Warcraft
« Reply #2625 on: 14 Jul 2011, 15:47 »

Alright people who still post here and are also still on WoW:

They just released realID crossrealm five mans, anyone interested in getting all up in this bitch, so to speak while it's still free? I ain't putting my realID up on here for QC shippers to potentially use, but if you're interested, drop me a line and we'll get ID's exchanged and all that and go stomp on some trolls. I've only got Horde at a respectable level, so Alliance need not apply unless you're content to run with a level 41 or so wolf thing.
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