Reading a slice-of-life webcomic that has no overt plot, just follows the lives of a handful of twenty-somethings as they go through various bouts of comedy and drama, speculating on who's going to end up with who on a forum, expressing our love and hatred of the characters, I sort of feel like I can't make fun of people for watching stupid reality shows that essentially do the same thing anymore. That'd be like Sarah Palin preaching abstinence-only sex education.
Wait, that's it! I'll be a hypocrit!
So, reality TV shows hinging on superficial teenage drama are so dumb, right?
Seriously, though, I'm addicted to QC, but I can't think of one good reason why. I love Gene Wolfe because of his mastery of the first-person perspective, rampant philosophizing and insights into human nature that never come off as preachy, I love M. Night Shyamalan for doing his own thing with gusto and not giving half a damn that nobody but me likes his movies, I love Shonen Knife because despite silly, Engrishey lyrics and only being 4 feet tall each, they rock the ol' guitar-base-drums combo as hard as mighty Thor, but why do I love QC? Am I living vicariously through a protagonist not entirely unlike myself in personality and demeanor? Is this the reason nerdy teenagers read harem manga? Am I going to answer my own questions here? No. Well, yes for that last one, but that's it.
To give this topic a purpose; why do you like QC?