I'm not going to catalog every argument they had to prove a point to someone who's mind is already made up. Sorry.
Okay, as entertaining as this thread has been so far(?), I have to pipe up and call bullshit on this one.
OP, you've taken a particularly pro-Dora stance from the get-go, and after NUMEROUS eloquent, factual and referenced counters were made your next most significant input was to bash Faye for attempting to "drag Dora down."
You advocated that Dora ought to be allowed to be "controlling." Do those being "controlled" have anything to say about that, I wonder? And if being controlling is just fine, how is it that
suggesting a path to pursue is so unworthy of a friendship? Oh, but Faye's insistence on her going to therapy (with the threat of physical harm) could be controlling...
You've suggested that Dora was too good for Marten, when in fact she has openly admitted that she has issues and throughout the comic strip has
irrationally sabotaged her relationship.
Moreover, you've made wide assumptions based on far-reaching ideas that have no basis in the comic as a means to justify what Dora
could be doing. Well-wishing for anyone is all fine and good (even if the character is fictitious), but within reason - and wholly useless in the context of the question "Why does Dora need therapy?" (as opposed to, say, "Dora's future: what will happen now?")
I fail to see any point to your "arguments," other than to paint Dora in as best a light as possible.
I'm not sure if it's because you see yourself in Dora somewhat (which is possible), nor do I know if you have any experience with how you see her life as having progressed, either by having an (ex) boyfriend like Marten or what-have-you. At this point, however, as someone who has read this thread from top to bottom, you're doing a disservice to the people that took you up on intelligent discussion. What you've stated is little more than an opinion, and a biased one at that; so why even ask this question if you have no interest in actually getting an *
This just looks like trolling from here on out to me.