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Author Topic: Why does Dora need therapy?  (Read 73668 times)

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Re: Why does Dora need therapy?
« Reply #200 on: 16 Jun 2011, 01:47 »

Good first post. Welcome, new person!
Thank you, Dr. Karikó.


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Re: Why does Dora need therapy?
« Reply #201 on: 16 Jun 2011, 06:26 »

I'm just curious, not trying to be leading - what do you personally feel are good reasons for a person to go into therapy?

If there is something happening in your life that you feel you cannot deal with using the support system or other people you trust, or it is something that they (or yourself) feel is beyond their ability to deal with the problem - counseling and/or therapy might be a good option.

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Re: Why does Dora need therapy?
« Reply #202 on: 16 Jun 2011, 07:08 »

I was actually directing that question to stoutfiles at the time (I guess I should have quoted the sentence that made me think to ask it), but you got me thinking - we all have different ideas of why someone needs therapy to begin with, and that makes this a difficult topic from the start. Those differing opinions most likely stem from the fact that we've all had very different experiences with therapy - some of us have been through it for years, some maybe went to a session or two with a bad counselor and felt it unnecessary to continue, some have even been the ones doing the counseling. Psychology and therapy have often been touted as a sort of pseudoscience and have gotten a bad rap so this is already tricky ground. Therapy is NOT as clear-cut as, say, someone cutting their finger and needing ointment and a bandage, and then seeing that the ointment helped heal the finger.

As I mentioned a few days ago, depression is not the only reason someone needs therapy. Outward symptoms aren't enough to determine if someone needs it - often, people with problems that could be helped by counseling have learned to hide those symptoms. And often, this is because someone told them they need counseling and they take that as an affront when it's really not. Many people see it as someone telling them, "There's something wrong with you," when really they are only saying, "You don't seem happy with the way you act in this type of situation; I think counseling would get you to understand why you react in that way."

I think several people in this thread are arguing very different things, though, and some people have modified their original arguments to accommodate for that. We've talked about many points, from "Does Dora need therapy" to "Is it appropriate for her friends to suggest therapy". But guess what - that's okay. The point of discussion is to learn about an issue, not to prove your point beyond a shadow of a doubt. We all tend to have this "need" to be right and not admit that we hadn't seen another side of a debate that changes our mind about the topic at hand. It's okay to concede a point occasionally.

But please, everyone, keep in mind that everyone has had different experiences with therapy - good, bad, none at all - and that's obviously going to affect their opinion on whether or not it's a viable option (for Dora, or for anyone). Whether they can dig up examples to support their case is not even the question here.

Personally, I think counseling would be beneficial to Dora. I can also see the point that if she is not ready for it, it may not do any good. She has to be on board either way - if she's going to go, it has to be because SHE wants to work through her problems. If she's not going to go, then she either needs to start working on her problems herself, or accept that she may do this again to another "good guy" (compared to her previous relationships, as far as we know). And if she does it to someone else, she needs to accept the consequences and once again ask herself if it's worth not working through them.


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Re: Why does Dora need therapy?
« Reply #203 on: 16 Jun 2011, 07:25 »

Theres a "joke" from Watchmen which kinda sums up the need for why people might need to talk to someone, to seek help.

Quote from: Rorschach
  "Man goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Says life is harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening world. Doctor says, "Treatment is simple. The great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. Go see him. That should pick you up." Man bursts into tears. Says, "But doctor... I am Pagliacci.""

Just because the clown is laughing, doesn't mean the man behind the make-up is.


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Re: Why does Dora need therapy?
« Reply #204 on: 16 Jun 2011, 07:39 »

It's older than Watchmen and the meaning is deeper -- humor often hides (or is rooted in) the deepest sadness or pain -- but your point is taken. Kinda goes along with one stereotype ( justified or not) of Russians -- melancholy is supposed to part of the mental makeup, but they're the most likely to make a point by telling a joke - - generally a short, pithy one.
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Re: Why does Dora need therapy?
« Reply #205 on: 16 Jun 2011, 07:43 »

It's older than Watchmen and the meaning is deeper -- humor often hides (or is rooted in) the deepest sadness or pain -- but your point is taken. Kinda goes along with one stereotype ( justified or not) of Russians -- melancholy is supposed to part of the mental makeup, but they're the most likely to make a point by telling a joke - - generally a short, pithy one.

Oh I know the joke is far older, I simply chose that version of it because of the added irony that the character telling it is also the character who needs help the most.
« Last Edit: 16 Jun 2011, 14:31 by TheEvilDog »


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Re: Why does Dora need therapy?
« Reply #206 on: 16 Jun 2011, 19:57 »

I'll acknowledge (if I haven't already) that I'm a bit biased, since I'm a counselor, and went through years of training and classwork towards becoming one. And I'll also admit that there's no simple reason for "why you should go into therapy", nor is there ever a "simple outcome" to therapy. Some people won't get anything from therapy, whereas others will rely heavily on it.
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Re: Why does Dora need therapy?
« Reply #207 on: 17 Jun 2011, 02:00 »

I just don't agree with them regarding her needing therapy.  Most of her issues are justified, and the others don't add up enough to warrant her being pushed into therapy.  Sorry, that's how I feel.

Judging a person by your standards as to whether or not that person needs or doesn't need to go could just as easily be applied to Faye as it could to you; I agree, she needs to make her own decision. In therapy, the only way a person can get better is if they want to get better.

Such as what she says here.

I was searching for such a long time for that strip to post it here, thank you.


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Re: Why does Dora need therapy?
« Reply #208 on: 17 Jun 2011, 05:02 »

That's funny - I had forgotten about her saying she wanted to work out her "sibling-rivalry issues"... and then when she finally goes, she can't understand why that's all they talked about :lol:

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Re: Why does Dora need therapy?
« Reply #209 on: 17 Jun 2011, 12:12 »

That comic also proves that she's not really being forced to go to therapy... She wants help from some proffesional person.
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