See, I rarely discuss sex in any form or fashion with anyone I don't highly trust. I play D&D, so occasionally I'll have a character that flirts a lot and isn't afraid to get naked in front of people, but I can't think of one that was actually promiscuous in any real sense. The person that assumes I sleep with anything that moves also was the DM of a game where I was a freakin' 63-year-old
monk. If you tried to judge me solely on the characters I play, you would be very confused. XD And yet, after playing a second flirtatious character, apparently I'm in everybody's pants. -.-
And speaking of autism, I think there were some people who were surprised that I don't have it, because there was this awkward/hilarious stunned silence when my friend said I was the only person in the room (out of 6 people) that didn't have it. XD
And speaking of international confusion, I got asked by an idiot in sixth grade if I was Chinese. Still trying to figure that one out. My eyes are
And Welu, I assume the same.