> If an injured Clinton is played for laughs, then it's implicitly saying it's Ok to beat him up for whatever reason.
Not if the injury is both self-inflicted and extremely minor.
Minor, sure, most of them are superficial and won't require another robot limb, for instance -- but from the level of frustration/anger about him, I'm going to have to say most if not all were definitely
not self-inflicted. Unless he's a masochist, which is entirely possible.
To reiterate/expand on my original point: in Thursday's comic, Faye threatens the
mere possibility of violent action towards Claire, which likely won't come to pass if at all, and the WCDT is a seething ball of outrage. In Friday's comic, Clinton clearly HAS been the recipient of serious injuries, and it's considered comedy and played for laughs. That's what makes me see a double standard.
Yes, I know Clinton has been a creep on plenty of occasions, set up to be the resident designated butt monkey and hate sink (and Claire's personal punching bag) ever since his introduction to QC, but in no way do any of his so-far-known actions justify any positive/comedic portrayal of him getting beaten up. I can hardly believe I'm actually defending him, but I guess he was just unlucky that he didn't get the "author's designated favourite" genes in his family.