The pain in the neck continues
[can someone with more skill and knowledge than I please take up the shovel and coordinate an update to the wiki]
Our CastHanners as The Slayer
Veronica Reed as her mom
Tilly as her watcher
[what the heck IS the family name, or do they even have one? Also English pronouns are so awkward for a neutral gender]Amir Afridi as the everyman, nice guy, outsider
Marigold Farmer as the shy, nerdy girl with little confidence
[Poor girl is being typecast again Raven Pritchard as Raven
[she plays it so well]Jim Bean as the Principal
[Mr Bean - now I'm picturing Rowan Atkinson playing the part]Penelope Gaines as the mean girl
Cosette Hurlbut
Sara McKinney
Emily Azuma
Gabrielle [Gabby]
[again no family name? Is my search skills so bad?]Bleminda as the corpse
[Her best acting yet]
Act 1 Scene 1
Hanners' room.
The camera shows a shot from above of her in bed.
She's having the nightmares, with visions of the Master's lair, the cemetery, the Master, of vampires and other demons, various events and artifacts.
She wakes with a start.
Veronica Reed: (off camera) Hanners?
Hanners: (sitting up) I'm up, Mom!
Veronica Reed: (off camera) Don't wanna be late for your first day!
Hanners: (to herself) No... Wouldn't want that.
Act 1 Scene 2
Cut to the school.
The camera pans from the street to the main building.
Cut to Veronica Reed pulling up to the school in her Jeep to drop off Hanners.
Veronica Reed: Okay!
Hanners gets out.
Veronica Reed: Have a good time. I know you're gonna make friends right away, just think positive. (gives a thumb up)
Hanners looks through the open car door and gives her mother a quick nod.
She turns to go and closes the door behind her.
Veronica Reed: And honey?
Hanners looks back at her mom again.
Veronica Reed: Try not to get kicked out?
Hanners: I promise.
Veronica Reed: Okay.
Hanners faces the school and lets out a deep breath.
Veronica Reed drives off.
Cut to Amir, doing his usual bob and weave through the crowd on his skateboard.
Amir: 'Scuse me, comin' through, pardon me, 'scuse me, whoa! 'Scuse me, not sure how to stop! Please move, whoa, 'scuse me... (notices Hanners) Whoa.
He stares at her and doesn't notice that he's headed right for the stair railing.
He crashes into it and falls beneath it, grunting in pain.
Amir: God!
Marigold walks up and must step high to avoid tripping over his legs.
Amir: I'm Okay. I feel good.
She looks down at him, smiling and pulling her hair behind her ear.
Amir: (sees her) Marigold! You're so very much the person that I wanted to see! (gets up)
Marigold: Oh, really?
They start walking toward the school.
Amir: Yeah. You know, I kind of had a problem with the math.
Marigold: Uh, which part?
Amir: THE MATH! Can you help me out tonight, pleeeease, be my study buddy?
Marigold: Well, what's in it for me?
Amir: A shiny nickel!

Marigold: Okay. Do you have 'Theories in Trig'? You should check it out.
Amir: Check it out?
Marigold: From the library? Where the books live.
Amir: Right, I'm there! See, I wanna change...
Act 1 Scene 3
Cut to the hall just inside the door.
Raven: Hey, hey!
Amir: Hey, Raven, what's what?
Raven: New Girl!
Amir: That's right, I saw her. Pretty much a hottie!
Marigold: I heard someone was transferring...
Amir: So tell!
Raven: Tell what?
Amir: What's the sitch, what do ya know about her?
Raven: New girl!
Amir: Well, you're certainly a font of nothing!
Act 1 Scene 4
Cut to Principal Bean's office.
Hanners is seated.
He has her school records and walks around the desk to his chair as he looks them over.
Mr. Bean: Hanners Summers, sophomore, late of Hemery High in Los Angeles. Interesting record, quite a career...
He sits, takes the sheet he's reading and tears it into four pieces.
Mr. Bean: Welcome to Sunnydale! A clean slate, Hanners, that's what you get here. What's past is past. We're not interested in what it says on a piece of paper, even if it says... (reads) Whoa.
Hanners: Mr. Bean--
Mr. Bean: All the kids here are free to call me Jim.
Hanners: Jim --
Mr. Bean: But they don't.
He begins reassembling the torn sheet.
Hanners: I know my transcripts are a little... colorful.
Mr. Bean: Heeey... We're not caring about that. Do you think, uh, 'colorful' is the word? (taps the paper) Not, uh, 'dismal'?
Hanners: Wasn't *that* bad!
Mr. Bean: You burned down the gym.
Hanners: (exhales) I did, I really did, but... You're not seeing the big picture here, I mean, that gym was full of vampi--asbestos.
Mr. Bean: Hanners, don't worry. Any other school they might say 'watch your step', or 'we'll be watching you'... But, that's just not the way *here*. We want to service your needs, and help you to respect our needs. And if your needs and our needs don't mesh...
He puts the poorly repaired sheet back into her file and slaps it shut. She gives him a thin, nervous smile.
Act 1 Scene 5
Cut to the hall.
Hanners comes out of Mr. Bean's office.
She opens her bag and rummages through it as she walks into the hall right in front of a girl and a boy. The girl bumps into her, making her lose her grip on the bag and spill its contents.
Hanners: Oh! Sorry!
Gabby: That's okay.
Hanners: (looks down at the mess) Oh...
Amir hears the noise, looks back, quickly comes over and squats down next to her to help her gather her things.
Amir: Can I have you?
She gives him a confused look.
Amir: Duh... (chuckles) Can I help you?
Hanners: (smiles) Thanks.
Amir: I don't know you, do I?
Hanners: I'm Hanners. I'm new.
Amir: Amir. Is-is me. Hi. (smiles)
Hanners: Um, thanks.
They finish gathering up everything.
Amir: Well, uh, maybe I'll see you around... maybe at school... since we... both... go there.
Hanners: Great! (they stand up) It was nice to meet you.
She starts down the hall.
Amir: (unimpressed with himself) We both go to school. Very suave. Very not pathetic.
He notices a stake still on the floor.
Amir: Oh, hey! (picks it up) Hey, you forgot your... stake.
Hanners doesn't hear him and continues down the hall. Amir holds on to the stake.
Act 1 Scene 6
Cut to a classroom.
The teacher writes "The Black Death" on the board and then turns to the class.
Teacher: It's estimated that about twenty-five million people died in that one four-year span. But the fun part of the Black Plague is that it originated in Europe how?
Penelope is taking notes. So is Hanners, seated next to her.
Teacher: As an early form of germ warfare. If you'll look at the map on page sixty-three you can trace the spread of the disease into Rome, and then north...
Hanners doesn't have a book and looks around for help. Penelope notices and shares her book.
Hanners: (to Penelope) Thanks.
Teacher: And this popular plague led to what social changes? Steve?
The bell rings and the students get up to leave.
Penelope: Hi! I'm Penelope. (offers her hand)
Hanners: (accepts it) I'm Hanners.
Penelope: If you're looking for a textbook of your very own there's probably a few in the library.
Hanners: Oh, great, thanks. (they get up) Where would that be?
Penelope: I'll show you, come on. (they start out of the classroom) So you're from Hemery, right? In L.A.?
Hanners: Uh, yeah.
Penelope: Oh, I would *kill* to live in L.A. That close to that many shoes?
Hanners must laugh as they go into the hall.
Cut to the two of them walking down another part of the hall.
Penelope: Well, you'll be okay here. If you hang with me and mine, you'll be accepted in no time. Of course, we do have to test your coolness factor. You're from L.A., so you can skip the written, but let's see. Vamp nail polish?
Hanners: Um, over?
Penelope: So over. James Spader?
Hanners: He needs to call me!
Penelope: Frappuccino?
Hanners: Trendy, but tasty.
Penelope: John Tesh?
Hanners: The Devil.
Penelope: That was pretty much a gimme, but... you passed!
Hanners: Oh, goody!
They turn toward a drinking fountain. Marigold is there. She straightens up and sees them coming.
Penelope: Marigold! Nice dress! Good to know you've seen the softer side of Sears.
Marigold: Uh, oh, well, my mom picked it out.
Penelope: No wonder you're such a guy magnet. Are you done?
Marigold looks at the fountain, then back at Penelope.
Marigold: Oh!
She turns and leaves. Hanners watches her go for a moment, then looks back at Penelope after she starts talking again.
Penelope: You wanna fit in here, the first rule is: know your losers. Once you can identify them all by sight (glances after Marigold) they're a lot easier to avoid.
Hanners lets out a nervous laugh and nods. She looks at Marigold again, who has gone through the door at the end of the hall. Marigold looks back at them before she continues.
Cut to another area in the halls. The two of them continue their walk to the library.
Penelope: And if you're not too swamped with catching up you should come by The Horrible Revelation tonight.
Hanners: The who?
Penelope: The Horrible Revelation. It's the only club worth going to around here. They let anybody in, but it's still the scene. It's in the bad part of town.
Hanners: Where's that? (stops outside the library doors)
Penelope: About a half a block from the good part of town. (laughing) We don't have a whole lot of town here. But, um, you should show!
Hanners: Well, I'll try. (looks toward the library) Uh, thanks.
Penelope: Good. So, um, I'll see you in gym, and you can tell me absolutely everything there is to know about you. (waves and goes)
Hanners: (waves back) Great! (to herself) Oh, that sounds like fun.
She goes into the library.
Act 1 Scene 7
Cut inside.
She comes in and looks around.
It looks deserted.
Hanners: Hello? (continues in) Is anybody here?
She looks at the book checkout counter and sees a newspaper.
A picture has been circled.
The caption above it reads "Local Girls Still Missing." Tilly comes up behind her and taps her on the shoulder.
She spins around, startled.
Hanners: Ooh! (exhales) Anybody's here!
Tilly: Can I help you?
Hanners: I was looking for some, well, books. I'm new.
Tilly: Miss Summers?
Hanners: Good call! Guess I'm the only new kid, huh?
Tilly: I'm Tilly. The librarian. I was told you were coming.
Tilly heads around behind the counter.
Hanners: Great! So, um, I'm gonna need 'Perspectives on 20th Century--'
Tilly: (interrupting) I know what you're after!
With a big grin on their face they pull out a large old book with the word "VAMPYR" written in gold leaf on the front cover.
Hanners looks up at them with an uneasy gaze.
Hanners: That's not what I'm looking for.
Tilly: Are you sure?
Hanners: I'm *way* sure.
Tilly: (confused) My mistake.
Tilly puts the book back behind the counter.
Hanners quickly leaves.
Tilly: (straightening back up) So, what is it you said--
Tilly gives a puzzled look as they see leave the library.
Act 1 Scene 8
Cut to the girls' locker room.
Two girls are chatting away.
Cosette: The new kid? She seems kind of weird to me. What kind of name is Hanners?
Gabby: Hey, Cosette!
Cosette: Oh, Hey!
Sara: Well, the chatter in the caf is that she got kicked out, and that's why her mom had to get a new job.
The girls work the combinations to their gym lockers.
Cosette: Neg!
Sara: Pos! She was starting fights!
Cosette: Neg-ly!
Sara: (opening her locker) Well I heard from Emilly, and she said that--
Bleminda, the very very dead girl, falls out of the locker into Sara's arms.
Sara screams and lets Bleminda's body fall with a sound like a rolled up rug filled with play dough hitting the floor.
Dang scripting got away from me again