While I agree that May's situation sucks it's not quite the same as what human ex-cons go through because they're effectively immortal. Humans who are released from prison may have lost 10 or 20 years of their lives. Those were prime years lost too and without may prospects for employment it's difficult to hold down a job if their health is declining. If they're lucky they might last long enough to get social security and Medicare, but even so they probably have little saved for retirment. AIs on the other hand have to make do with substandard chassis, but it's still possible to muddle through until a more affordable option is available. Considering how the cost of things decreases over time it's possible May could afford a better chassis than what she has now within just a few years. And while she'll still have a conviction record after parole she'll have more opportunities including self employment.
That's just my two cents, but hopefully this will give Rokko something to keep her mind off of her own disassociation problem.
You're right. The situation being human former convicts and AI former convicts is somewhat different. Its worse in the case of AI and I've highlighted why in your post.
When an ex-con leaves prison, yes, they can get caught in a vicious cycle where they get stuck in a dead end job and can barely afford to house or feed themselves.
Now consider an AI that leaves prison. They get put into a clapped out chassis, they get stuck in a dead end job. Not only do they have to try and afford a place to stay and recharge, but they also need to maintain a pretty crap chassis. Its not a case of them trying to save up to get a new one, its more likely they put every cent they earn into trying to keep the one they're stuck in going.
Consider as well that when a human ex-con gets sick, there are free clinics they could go to or more likely, they just have to suffer while trying to pay medical costs. How many workshops are there that would repair an AI's chassis? Remember, May ended up having to go to an illegal fight club to get some repairs done. That's like going to a back alley doctor to get patched up.
And as cynical as it might be, Humans can die. That's the end of their suffering. But what about AI, who are effectively immortal? How long does their punishment go on for? When does it stop? And who is going to break that cycle?