Here's a real one:
In Comic 239, Dora says "Bianchi is a last name often given to people with light hair or fair skin, it runs in the family." But later on, it's her Mom with the light hair, not their Dad. So uh, did they take her last name, or what?
...I swear I wasn't combing through the comic for inconsistencies, that just jumped at me. 
Hahah, I had totally forgotten about that!
Dora's dad is still pretty fair-skinned, even though he has dark hair. SO IT COULD STILL RUN IN THE FAMILY I DID NOT MAKE A MISTAKE I AM A FLAWLESS BASTION OF PERFECTION
Hello Jeph,
Does it ever astonish you how much investment some people have into QC? How does it make you feel that certain fans will dissect not only the stories but everything from the hairstyles to the underwear of the fictional people that you created?
It used to actually piss me off, but now I mainly just think it's funny (and a little weird).
I'm not sure if this has been asked before, but I've been wondering - How much QC time has passed since the comic's beginning?
Dude, this has been nitpicked more than a second-grader after a lice outbreak:,17911.0.html
Also- Jeph, do you think you use scatological humor most when you're feeling down? Because in the earliest days of the comic it was used the most and you said that QC was originally going to be a much angstier comic, and since then whenever you have made poop jokes et cetera they were usually accompanied with a newspost saying something like "sorry for the poop joke this and that happened and shit".
Also, is the above question more on the side of nitpicky or reasonable? I really can't tell myself but it seems kinda on the side of the former.
Poop jokes are "easy" and I was working a full-time job back then and doing the comic in my spare time, so that probably had something to do with it. Now I try to avoid them whenever possible, unless I think of a REALLY funny one.
Also yeah I was pretty much miserable all the time back then! Now I am only miserable sometimes. IMPROVEMENT
Nah that is actually a pretty interesting question, I much prefer talking about this sort of thing than "WILL HANNERS EVER HAEV A BOYFREDN!??!@?@"
Where is this "recommended listening" list that I keep seeing mentioned?
BLAM, longtime lurker here.
Would you ever consider a strip where the characters of QC meet their proto-selves (i.e. Martin circa 2003)?
I think t'would be comical, if not continuity-preservant.
Also, THANK YOU FOR CREATING, you've made my days a whole lot brighter. 
Mmm, I don't think so. Too fourth-wall-breaky for my taste.
Give me a Fender guitar with Seymour Duncan pickups and then we'll talk.
Similar to this one?
*I know this is a horrible choice for a first post, but i saw the fender with seymour duncan's post. And, uh, I have one.
Ehhh....I've never been a big fan of the Invader. And that DiMarzio in the middle position is WAY too Yngwie Malmsteen for my taste.
Jeph, are you going to be at the San Diego Comic-con this year?
The whole time, booth 1233.
I hope this hasn’t been asked before, but I searched the forum until my eyes bled and couldn’t find anything. Where did you get the inspiration for Veronica Vance? I know that none of your characters are based off real people, but how did you just decide one day that Marten’s mother was going to be a famous fetish model/professional dominatrix? Are you into the fetish scene or was it just an amusing whim?
I don't really have any "fetishes" unless you want to class "liking boobs and vaginas" as a very, very common kink. But I think sex culture is pretty funny and fascinating! Marten's mom isn't really based on anyone specifically, I was just going for a kind of scarier-looking-Bettie-Page thing.
The comic has hinted at an interesting history for Penelope.
Have you worked out what it is? Do you want to put it in the comic someday, or is it too depressing?
I absolutely need to develop her character more. It's kind of funnier to me to imply her past rather than spell it out, though.
Ah, I need a question, don't I... How did you get so awesome?
I am not particularly awesome. Just lucky!
Lemme be the first to ask (at least in the Ask Jeph thread):
so did today's comic (1184) have a Sweet Tits cameo?
Is Faye happy?
'Cause it looks like she is, and it looks like a recent change.
She's getting better, I think.
Is it always better the devil you know?
I wish the devil would stop trying to talk to me about video games
How do you feel about the self-proclaimed "Dora haters"? I know (at least at one point) she is/was your favorite character, is it irritating that others hold such a contrasting view towards something you made?
It used to weird me out but I think it's just a natural thing given how much some people are invested in the comic. I don't really care one way or another.
Just a curious question, and i know the answers probably no, but you wouldnt happen to be coming to the Comic Con being held in Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada any time soon would u?
I know for sure you have a reasonably large following up here north of the border and i know it would be cool to meet you.
[resists the urge to make a Venetian Snares joke]
So will it ever rain in the QC world?
I ask myself this very often.
Why did you choose Girl Versus Boy Versus Whale Dicks as the new title?
I think it's pretty self-explanatory, don't you?
First, I apologize if this has been asked before. I spent some time searching but can't seem to find anything...
When will we see Marten's mom again or meet Marten's dad? I thought the time when Marten's mom came to visit was awesome. And considering we haven't met Marten's dad--I figure that would just be interesting.