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Re: The Relationship, Or Lack Thereof, Advice Thread
« Reply #1700 on: 08 Aug 2009, 04:06 »

The girl I am dating is getting back from Italy today, and is expecting her mom to pick her up from the Denver airport at about 8:00 PM.

I have arranged things with her mother so that I will be there instead, hella surprise steeze.

Is this a good idea, y/n.

Depends how long you've been dating, really.

But could be awesome. Probably will be awesome.
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Re: The Relationship, Or Lack Thereof, Advice Thread
« Reply #1701 on: 09 Aug 2009, 12:32 »

In Seriousness.. I don't really want a romantic relationship with a male, but i would love some more male friends.. how do you befriend males without sending the wrong messages?

Befriend established couples. Its pretty much the only way. :|
Yes, thank goodness we live in an enlightened society where we're horribly sexist to both men and woman in equal measure. >.<


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Re: The Relationship, Or Lack Thereof, Advice Thread
« Reply #1702 on: 09 Aug 2009, 13:55 »

what do i do now?

As somebody who apparently comes across as incredibly flirty with a huge potential for promiscuity - if I had the self-confidence to actually approach people - I can certainly see where he is coming from. I agree with the whole 'if you aren't monogamous, why call it a relationship' thing one hundred percent. I've had periods of my life where I've been having pretty intimate stuff - physically, at least - going on with a number of people, very publically, and everybody involved is cool with it, but when somebody actually approached the subject of making it a serious thing I cut back the style of relationship I was having with the other parties involved.

Doesn't mean it wasn't awkward and took some adjusting, but I place a very high value on monogamy in a relationship even if I do have pretty liberal views on sex and physical intimacy.

As for him not being as affectionate or talkative... if you had an in-depth discussion about relationships which he later felt like perhaps he was being a dick then I know that would make me feel pretty withdrawn pretty quick.

From the situation you described, I would put it that he is interested in you, but both of the things you said at the end could well be contributing factors in holding him back. The dude obviously has very strong views on the importance of relationships and if you have a boyfriend already it would be the 'right' thing for him to make sure he doesn't do anything to endanger that. Similarly, if you do not know each other all that well, it is entirely possible he is interested - you're having deep discussions about relationships as a decent example - but does want to get to know you better.

I'd hang in there, don't push but make sure he has plenty of options open to hang out with you if he chooses, and see where it goes, if he is indeed somebody you'd like to become close to.

But I would think he wouldn't be willing to consider anything more than friendship while you are in a relationship of any kind with somebody else.

However, all this is just my own viewpoint on the things you've said and the way they've come across to me. I could be way off base, but I think certainly trying to get to know him a little better would be the best place to start.


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Re: The Relationship, Or Lack Thereof, Advice Thread
« Reply #1703 on: 09 Aug 2009, 18:29 »

In Seriousness.. I don't really want a romantic relationship with a male, but i would love some more male friends.. how do you befriend males without sending the wrong messages?

Befriend established couples. Its pretty much the only way. :|

No it's not. I have several single guy friends and this hasn't been a problem with any of them. If you want to avoid sending the wrong signals, invite guys to group things so they aren't confused as to whether or not it's a date or find similar interests and do activities that relate to that. Pretty much you make friends with guys the same way as girls. If you are a flirt (you don't sound like you are, but just in case), just tone it down.

And if they still try to "reject" you, tell them to stop being so silly.
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Re: The Relationship, Or Lack Thereof, Advice Thread
« Reply #1704 on: 09 Aug 2009, 20:00 »

Or you can be flirty if you must, but try and be equally flirty with all of them. This is easier if it is not something you really try to do but just happens. Also you can do what I recently did for one of my guy friends who has been asking me out on dates and out to dinner and stuff for months: after so many rejections, I finally told him, "Dude you know how girls put people on two lists, the fuckable list and the just-friends list? You are on the just-friends list. Sorry. Suck it up."

So far it has gone alright.
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Re: The Relationship, Or Lack Thereof, Advice Thread
« Reply #1705 on: 10 Aug 2009, 11:15 »

Ok so I have been kinda wanting to post this in here but it's all kinds of complicated, I'm not sure I even understand most of the situation as it applies to me as it is, so forgive me if this goes off, but I could do with some outside perspective. Also I guess this is going to be wicked long.

There's a girl I've known pretty much for about two years now... initially we would just sort of chat every now and then because we go to the same club but now we are really good friends and have been I guess in that sort of place for about a year or so... that is, where we would make opportunities to hang out and see each other on times that weren't Friday or Saturday nights when we were at the club together.

We started talking because I was hitting on her, so it's not like I was masking my intent from the start. I want to make that clear before it looks like I was playing the friend card to try and get close to her or whatever.

And I love her, like... well yeah, that is no exaggeration of the word. I'm also aware of the cliché when I say I think she's the most perfect person I've ever met, and I'm not exaggerating there, either.

But anyway. For most of the time we started getting to know each other and I started really falling for her, she had initially just come out of a relationship with a douche, was all kinds of emotional and screwed up for a while, then got back together with him. I wasn't aware for a while that they were together, because their dynamic was such that he would completely ignore her whenever they were out together and generally hang with his friends who usually talk a lot of crap about her. She'd been back together with him for about a month or so when I finally decided to tell her how I felt about her, which was much stronger then (this was probably about 10 months ago or so) than it is now. When I told her that I loved her, the actual reaction was:

Me: "I love you."
*she looks at the floor, looks at her boyfriend, looks at the floor again*
Her: "I wish you'd told me sooner."

But the cat was out of the bag and I felt better for clearing the air and things moved on. We became really close friends despite the fact I pretty regularly flirt with her or make suggestive remarks and so on.

As time went on I figured it was pretty clear there was nothing other than friendship there, which was definitely fine by me, she's awesome to be around and I'm genuinely thankful for any time I get to spend with her.

Problem was, the way we are when we're together is such that people are constantly assuming we're a couple, even to the extent where people who know us both have occassionally come out with "Oh wow I didn't realise you two got together!" when I've been chatting to somebody and she's hugged me on her way past to go and talk to whoever. Without fail whenever I correct somebody on their assumption they say "Oh I just assumed... I mean you two look so good together." Literally that is what everybody says.

She split up with her douche boyfriend not long after I spent a ridiculous amount of money on a Valentine's gift for her (unrelated incidents) which was essentially my 'all or nothing' pitch. Nothing happened between us, she wears the ring all the time and she adores it and it didn't make the friendship awkward in any way. This was, I think, the better option and it helped me start to move on a bit from her. I stopped seeing her properly for a while because I was using all my money to pay off loans I'd taken out for the Valentine's gift and in the meantime she had a fling with a much, much older married dude and, a month or so ago, got together with another dude, who is really awesome but worryingly similar to me - she is now trying to get him to grow a beard, something I did during the time we were not hanging out that much.

We've started hanging out again properly and things are different. Despite how much she talks about how into her new guy she is, she's become more intimate with me. She regularly and randomly approaches me if we're out to hug me tightly, or hold my hand. Numerous times we've almost kissed because of the way she's draped herself around me. A couple weeks ago I introduced her to my best friend's new girlfriend and the next day she was all about "She is so into you. You should definitely make a move." just from observing our interactions.

I think it's hard to sum it up, really. The best examples of the things that are stressing my head are those I've mentioned above, but there's so many more little intricacies that confuse me to no end. She regularly tells me how much she 'loves' me, but the way she says it only comes across as a friendly thing... though when, the other night, she admitted to watching me dance and saying apparently out loud to herself 'I love that man' - she is the kind of girl who generally voices her thoughts as they occur to her - I found that a little disconcerting.

So that's the situation. The question is... what should I do? I do love her, and I would do near anything to have the chance to explore the depths of that feeling with her, but I value our friendship so much I think it'd ruin me if we got into a relationship and it got all messed up. That is not even looking at the fact that she has a boyfriend and I would never do anything that might cause that relationship to explode. My friends all suggest I act on my feelings because they reckon that's what she's waiting for, that my inactivity after she split from her last boyfriend led her to get into a new relationship with the new guy, but... well, see above.

Or am I just intepreting the signs wrong? Did the fact I approached her with flirtations and the desire to get into something more than friendship lay the groundwork for a friendship laden with mixed signals and possibly inappropriate displays of affection?

For the record, she is not a huge flirt. She's lively and chatty and certainly not shy in any sense of the word, but she's aware how easily things can be misconstrued, and her last boyfriend was excessively jealous to the point where she actively sought to avoid the company of other guys.

Halp pls.

Edit: Crap I wrote way more than I meant to.
« Last Edit: 10 Aug 2009, 11:37 by maxusy3k »


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Re: The Relationship, Or Lack Thereof, Advice Thread
« Reply #1706 on: 10 Aug 2009, 13:02 »

I would most definitely suggest that you pursue this sort of thing. I don't think your friendship could or would be ruined by your pursuing her in a romantic sense since it is fairly obvious how you feel about her. Who knows, perhaps she is waiting for you to take the incentive to go after her instead of coming to you?


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Re: The Relationship, Or Lack Thereof, Advice Thread
« Reply #1707 on: 10 Aug 2009, 13:20 »

You are letting your friend who you're totally in love with fuck around with a significantly older married man after you put yourself into debt buying her a gift?
She is fucking around with a significantly older married man?
You took out a loan to buy her a present?
She's fucking an older married man?
You took out a loan?
To get her a present?
She fucks a married old guy?

Why didn't you just go for the kiss when she broke up with the last dude? That sounds like a really messed up situation and from what I can gather, you've been treated very unfairly. Nothing you've said makes this girl sound very pleasant. My approach would be to completely remove myself from the equation at this point, but it sounds like your balls are dragging along the ground so heavy that you're going to stick around her for a long while yet.

I sincerely hope this works out well for you, man. Good luck.


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Re: The Relationship, Or Lack Thereof, Advice Thread
« Reply #1708 on: 10 Aug 2009, 13:47 »

I don't think she's with the older-married-guy anymore. Now she's with disturbingly-like-maxus guy.

Other then that, your analysis of the situation is pretty good. I was going to start my post by asking Maxus if he were in fact real or if he had, by chance, escaped from an F. Scott Fitzgerald novel, or perhaps an episode of a teen drama, earlier today. Anyway, I guess I would say you don't have a whole lot left to lose in this potential relationship. Right now, it sounds like you're all-but-dating anyway, so if you feel like this might be something that works, ask her out. At this point, ask her directly, ask her clearly, and if she says no, consider that the end of it and move on with your life. And stop going in to debt to buy people gifts.
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Re: The Relationship, Or Lack Thereof, Advice Thread
« Reply #1709 on: 10 Aug 2009, 13:49 »

As somebody who apparently comes across as incredibly flirty with a huge potential for promiscuity - if I had the self-confidence to actually approach people - I can certainly see where he is coming from. I agree with the whole 'if you aren't monogamous, why call it a relationship' thing one hundred percent. I've had periods of my life where I've been having pretty intimate stuff - physically, at least - going on with a number of people, very publically, and everybody involved is cool with it, but when somebody actually approached the subject of making it a serious thing I cut back the style of relationship I was having with the other parties involved.

Doesn't mean it wasn't awkward and took some adjusting, but I place a very high value on monogamy in a relationship even if I do have pretty liberal views on sex and physical intimacy.

As for him not being as affectionate or talkative... if you had an in-depth discussion about relationships which he later felt like perhaps he was being a dick then I know that would make me feel pretty withdrawn pretty quick.

From the situation you described, I would put it that he is interested in you, but both of the things you said at the end could well be contributing factors in holding him back. The dude obviously has very strong views on the importance of relationships and if you have a boyfriend already it would be the 'right' thing for him to make sure he doesn't do anything to endanger that. Similarly, if you do not know each other all that well, it is entirely possible he is interested - you're having deep discussions about relationships as a decent example - but does want to get to know you better.

I'd hang in there, don't push but make sure he has plenty of options open to hang out with you if he chooses, and see where it goes, if he is indeed somebody you'd like to become close to.

But I would think he wouldn't be willing to consider anything more than friendship while you are in a relationship of any kind with somebody else.

However, all this is just my own viewpoint on the things you've said and the way they've come across to me. I could be way off base, but I think certainly trying to get to know him a little better would be the best place to start.

okay, but see, i don't have intimate stuff going on with many people at once. there's this new boy, and the boyfriend of three and a half years. that' i don't want anyone else, not for dating and not for sexy times. i'm not promiscuous at all, oddly enough.   i find it annoying when people i barely know (like new boy) tell me that my relationship with my boyfriend is not serious because we have recently made the decision to try seeing other people. (key word there being "try". it's entirely possible that it won't go anywhere and then we will go back to a monogamous relationship with each other or start new relationships with more suitable partners)  if it wasn't serious, it probably wouldn't have lasted three and a half years in the first place. i do love him and care about him, and the fact that people who are strangers seem to imply that i don't bothers me. ugh shut up you don't know me, stop judging.  and also i really don't see anything wrong with dating more than person for an extended period of time and loving both of these people in a romantic sense. i am not sure whether i can actually do it though.

lack of affection wasn't a huge deal, since he was stressed out about work and yeah the whole heavy relationship talk probably didn't help any. but he seemed happy to have me around anyway. (d'awww!) and i didn't even mind that he was sulking and bitching about his job. (if it were some other boy, i don't think i would have been willing to put up with it) clearly this is a thing that is not one sided. that's not really what i'm wondering about though. i think what i want to know is would it be too soon to go back to his place of work and see him on tuesday y/n. i mean it is plausible for me to be there for reasons unrelated to him but really i just want to buy the boy a drink cause i think he could use one and i'd like to continue having meaningful conversations with him. i don't wanna be creepy and clingy but i do wanna have more time to talk to him and not distract him too much from his job even though he seems to enjoy that. now, i would just call him but i kind of don't have his number and he said that he doesn't have time on his phone and the fact that his job hasn't been going well for him means that he is not making commission and is barely making ends meet so phone time isn't a priority, which is understandable i guess but also inconvenient for plan-making. he has my number but i am not really a sit-around-and-wait-for-the-phone-to-ring kinda girl so yeah. besides he seems to like the fact that i actually made the effort to come see him despite not having specific plans. so i don't think he'd mind if it happened again? then again, if it keeps happening, he might stop finding it cute and be weirded out.

also not willing to consider anything more than friendship? uh but he kissed me.  i don't know about you, but i don't go around kissing people that i would like to pursue normal friendships with.  
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Re: The Relationship, Or Lack Thereof, Advice Thread
« Reply #1710 on: 10 Aug 2009, 18:39 »

I don't think that post had anything to do with you!

Maxis or whatever, just sack the fuck up and stick it in. The " I don't want to ruin the friendship" bullshit is only implying a weakness in the relationship to begin with, and the potential for something better to come out of it is huge


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Re: The Relationship, Or Lack Thereof, Advice Thread
« Reply #1711 on: 10 Aug 2009, 18:44 »

that quote is actually a slighter older post where he offered some advice about her boy situation. i got confused at first too.
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Re: The Relationship, Or Lack Thereof, Advice Thread
« Reply #1712 on: 11 Aug 2009, 00:30 »


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Re: The Relationship, Or Lack Thereof, Advice Thread
« Reply #1713 on: 11 Aug 2009, 00:38 »

That post would have worked better with my old avatar.

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Re: The Relationship, Or Lack Thereof, Advice Thread
« Reply #1714 on: 11 Aug 2009, 00:47 »

Also, I need advice again.

That girl I surprised at the airport(which was awesome by the way,) is really good friends with this guy, Alex*. I used to be really good friends with Alex, but over time I have come to realize that he is incredibly manipulative, selfish, cruel, and quite possibly a sociopath. This culminated when another good friend of mine, Sara**, confessed to me that he forced himself on her towards the end of the last school year. I just had a chat with Mark, ostensibly to patch up our friendship, but really just so that we could be on good enough terms that the girl I'm dating won't have to choose between us if it comes down to that. Her exboyfriend, who is still sort of in the picture, happens to get along really well with Mark, so my inability to even be in the same room as him kind of increases the chances of her getting back with the ex.

So the advice I need here is: am I being a terrible person? I fully intend to confront Mark about this at some point, because Sara is scared to do it herself, but is waiting a heartless thing to do? Things are going really well at this point, and I do not want this relationship to fall apart for such a stupid reason(the friendship, not the rape,) but at the same time I feel like I am in some way alleviating his guilt by not immediately calling him out on this and shunning him. I want to just tell the girl I'm dating what happened, but 1. there's no reason for her to believe me, and 2. realistically she will just tell Mark, and then the drama will commence all over again, but much, much, more seriously.

So, what the fuck do I do?

*obviously this dudes name is not actually Mark.
**and her name isn't Sara.


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Re: The Relationship, Or Lack Thereof, Advice Thread
« Reply #1715 on: 11 Aug 2009, 01:09 »

really good friends with this guy, Alex*

*obviously this dudes name is not actually Mark.


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Re: The Relationship, Or Lack Thereof, Advice Thread
« Reply #1716 on: 11 Aug 2009, 01:25 »

So wait, does Alex know that you know about the assault he committed? Even if that's the case, a full disclosure when you confront him should shatter whatever comfort he would take in your prior cozying. From what I'm reading there's nothing that strikes me as heartless in your waiting. You say that Sara has no reason to believe you, but another thing to consider is whether or not you would be perceived as having reason to lie. Anyway, if you can get Sara to a point where she believes you when you reveal Alex as a predator you're actually doing her a favor by effectively removing her from that toxic sphere of influence. If discretion allows you to produce a better outcome from outing this guy in the future, and outing now is obviously risky, why not wait until you're in a better position?
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Re: The Relationship, Or Lack Thereof, Advice Thread
« Reply #1717 on: 11 Aug 2009, 02:19 »

When I told her that I loved her, the actual reaction was:

Me: "I love you."
*she looks at the floor, looks at her boyfriend, looks at the floor again*
Her: "I wish you'd told me sooner."

She split up with her douche boyfriend not long after I spent a ridiculous amount of money on a Valentine's gift for her (unrelated incidents) which was essentially my 'all or nothing' pitch. Nothing happened between us, she wears the ring all the time and she adores it and it didn't make the friendship awkward in any way. This was, I think, the better option and it helped me start to move on a bit from her. I stopped seeing her properly for a while because I was using all my money to pay off loans I'd taken out for the Valentine's gift and in the meantime she had a fling with a much, much older married dude and, a month or so ago, got together with another dude, who is really awesome but worryingly similar to me - she is now trying to get him to grow a beard, something I did during the time we were not hanging out that much.

That girl I surprised at the airport(which was awesome by the way,) is really good friends with this guy, Alex*. I used to be really good friends with Alex, but over time I have come to realize that he is incredibly manipulative, selfish, cruel, and quite possibly a sociopath. This culminated when another good friend of mine, Sara**, confessed to me that he forced himself on her towards the end of the last school year. I just had a chat with Mark, ostensibly to patch up our friendship, but really just so that we could be on good enough terms that the girl I'm dating won't have to choose between us if it comes down to that. Her exboyfriend, who is still sort of in the picture, happens to get along really well with Mark, so my inability to even be in the same room as him kind of increases the chances of her getting back with the ex.

So the advice I need here is: am I being a terrible person? I fully intend to confront Mark about this at some point, because Sara is scared to do it herself, but is waiting a heartless thing to do? Things are going really well at this point, and I do not want this relationship to fall apart for such a stupid reason(the friendship, not the rape,) but at the same time I feel like I am in some way alleviating his guilt by not immediately calling him out on this and shunning him. I want to just tell the girl I'm dating what happened, but 1. there's no reason for her to believe me, and 2. realistically she will just tell Mark, and then the drama will commence all over again, but much, much, more seriously.

So, what the fuck do I do?

*obviously this dudes name is not actually Mark.
**and her name isn't Sara.

There's all sorts of fail hidden in that relationship mingle.  Whatever you decide to do, I hope this girl is worth the crazy drama that is to come.

You are shooting youself in the foot by not talking to Alex* or Mark* or whatever the rapers names is.

Why should the rapee be confronting the dude?  he raped her, supposedly...

Your girlfriend would seriously hang out exclusively with her ex and this dude?  I'm not saying people can't stay friends with their past relationships, but sometimes there has to be a line.  But you know what, i'm sure it's okay for a girl i'm dating to be living with her ex boyfriend, because you know their just friends now...  :roll:

If you just started seeing this girl it's not like you have to go up and start blurting about this mark/alex dude being a raper.  But if for some reason he comes into the picture of your relationship, it wouldn't hurt to mention it.  like say, "yeah him and I used to be friends, but he forced himself on one of my other friends."  If she doesn't believe you, just tell her to talk to Sara* or whatever about it.  I just hope this Sara* is being honest with you, for you know, your sake of being a honest and sincere partner to your girlfriend.
« Last Edit: 11 Aug 2009, 02:48 by Masterbainter »
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Re: The Relationship, Or Lack Thereof, Advice Thread
« Reply #1718 on: 11 Aug 2009, 04:50 »

That's a really bad situation — I hope your friend is doing alright, considering.

All told, I don't think your girlfriend belongs in the equation, though. I'm not saying that a confrontation would be best ASAP, just that whatever you do should be done with consideration for Sara's situation/feelings, not your own. (Like, for instance, the #1 reason you can't "just tell" gf isn't because she might not believe you, but because that's a huge breach of Sara's trust.) I'm not sure if I'm really understanding your situation as you laid it out, but it seems like you are trying to say confronting Mark/Alex would alienate you from a group where your girl and her in-the-picture ex would be spending time together. Actually, I'm also a little confused about your standing with Mark/Alex, so I think I'm gonna hold off on any advice until it's explained in clearer detail.

In other news, I have a huge crush on my gay friend, who is basically my ideal boyfriend in every respect except in regards to being a homo.
He used to have a crush on me (for like two years) back when he was straight (perils of heteronormativity blah blah), and told me today (jokingly) that he feels I'd make such a great boyfriend for him. Because we have such compatible minds.
Why does everything in my life suck?  :? :? :?
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Re: The Relationship, Or Lack Thereof, Advice Thread
« Reply #1719 on: 11 Aug 2009, 06:50 »

Cut your hair like a boy, tape down your chest, and show to him that what's on the outside doesn't matter.
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Re: The Relationship, Or Lack Thereof, Advice Thread
« Reply #1720 on: 11 Aug 2009, 07:41 »

yeah, he can be "gay but with an exception".

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Re: The Relationship, Or Lack Thereof, Advice Thread
« Reply #1721 on: 11 Aug 2009, 09:25 »

They are joking but sometimes the gays get psyched! You are probably too womanly to be tricky about it, but every once in a while I've had a gay girl come onto me really hard, so don't give up!

Also, trying again.

5 people in this situation. All names changed except for mine.

1. Alex. A boy who may or may not have raped my female friend, Sara. Used to be one of my best friends, we climbed together, did drugs together, hung out together, until I sobered up and realized the things above weren't just in my head when I was stoned. Is very good friends with;
2. Nicole. Girl I am dating(not girlfriend, important point.) I started seeing her at the beginning of the summer, initially in a "we are both lonely so lets just have some sexy fun," sort of way, but it has grown into more than that. She's totally rad, and I like her a whole bunch. The only problem is that she recently broke up with;
3. Voldemort, her ex boyfriend. I was under the impression they were totally quits at the beginning of the summer(they had broken up for a while, and gotten back together about a month before school let out, according to her just so that they would have the maximum amount of fun at the end of the year,) but as my relationship with Nicole got more serious, I learned that there was still a lot of unresolved emotion between the two of them, and he was probably planning on resuming the relationship when the summer ended. Obviously, this has caused me a great deal of stress, which has nothing to do with;
4. Sara. A good female friend of mine for almost two years. It was revealed to me at the beginning of the summer by a mutual friend that Mark raped her, and she later told me about it herself, in tears. She has been raped twice before, so she is not a girl who would be lying about this. Plus, hearing her tell the story banished all doubt from my mind that it could possibly have not happened.

Two weeks before Nicole went to Italy for a brief vacation, Alex and I had a major falling out, resulting in Nicole having to choose between us for hangouts, since she likes spending time with me, but is still really close with him. Her comment was that she "felt like a child of divorce, having to choose between her two dads. Sara is the one who suggested I tell Nicole about it, because it would make it easier for me to hang out with Nicole, and would make it less likely that Sara would ever have to see Alex, ever. Nicole and Sara are in the process of becoming friends. Voldemort is just an asshole.

Is that more clear? Names and pronouns and all that shit are incredibly obnoxious.


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Re: The Relationship, Or Lack Thereof, Advice Thread
« Reply #1722 on: 11 Aug 2009, 10:28 »

That's a tough situation. For me, Alex has probably gone farther then I would be able to tolerate. It's not just a simple disagreement about which you can say "well, it's just between him and Sara." I would probably distance myself from him as much as possible and threaten to castrate him if he comes anywhere near Sara again.

Now, how this impacts your relationship with Nicole is a harder situation. No one likes picking between their friends and lovers. It might be a big cards on the table moment for you and her. It might be time to say that you really feel like this has a lot of potential, but you cannot pretend to be on good terms with Alex. If Sara has given you permission to share her story, then you can do so but be prepared that Nicole may well not believe you. It's rather hard to deal with learning that your friend might be a rapist, and who knows how she'll react? She might accuse you of lying. She might accuse Sara of lying to you and you of being gullible. Either way, what I'm afraid looks most likely to me is that the truth of this incident will probably end your relationship unless Nicole sees Alex for who he is.  Still, this is probably the best outcome. I really don't see you as having done Nicole any favors by not bringing this up. She has a right to know who her friends are, even if she won't believe you, and even if there is no chance that he would do the same to her.

Voldemort, believe it or not, will probably have zero impact on the outcome of your relationship at this point. If Nicole trusts you enough to believe what you say about Alex, she's probably already prepared to choose you over him. If she believes you to be a jealous liar or a naive pushover because of the things surrounding Alex, she will probably end up breaking up with you because of that opinion whether He Who Must Not Be Named returns or not.
« Last Edit: 11 Aug 2009, 10:31 by benji »
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Re: The Relationship, Or Lack Thereof, Advice Thread
« Reply #1723 on: 12 Aug 2009, 11:02 »

Thanks, guys, for your input on my hilariously over the top dramas. I think I'll probably make some kind of move, I am just trying to decide whether it be sitting down and telling her how I feel (again) or maybe using one of the countless opportunities she gives me to kiss her. Just concerned about the potential drama it could cause with her new guy who she apparently adores. See how things go I suppose.

okay, but see, i don't have intimate stuff going on with many people at once. there's this new boy, and the boyfriend of three and a half years. that' i don't want anyone else, not for dating and not for sexy times. i'm not promiscuous at all, oddly enough.   i find it annoying when people i barely know (like new boy) tell me that my relationship with my boyfriend is not serious because we have recently made the decision to try seeing other people. (key word there being "try". it's entirely possible that it won't go anywhere and then we will go back to a monogamous relationship with each other or start new relationships with more suitable partners)  if it wasn't serious, it probably wouldn't have lasted three and a half years in the first place. i do love him and care about him, and the fact that people who are strangers seem to imply that i don't bothers me. ugh shut up you don't know me, stop judging.  and also i really don't see anything wrong with dating more than person for an extended period of time and loving both of these people in a romantic sense. i am not sure whether i can actually do it though.

lack of affection wasn't a huge deal, since he was stressed out about work and yeah the whole heavy relationship talk probably didn't help any. but he seemed happy to have me around anyway. (d'awww!) and i didn't even mind that he was sulking and bitching about his job. (if it were some other boy, i don't think i would have been willing to put up with it) clearly this is a thing that is not one sided. that's not really what i'm wondering about though. i think what i want to know is would it be too soon to go back to his place of work and see him on tuesday y/n. i mean it is plausible for me to be there for reasons unrelated to him but really i just want to buy the boy a drink cause i think he could use one and i'd like to continue having meaningful conversations with him. i don't wanna be creepy and clingy but i do wanna have more time to talk to him and not distract him too much from his job even though he seems to enjoy that. now, i would just call him but i kind of don't have his number and he said that he doesn't have time on his phone and the fact that his job hasn't been going well for him means that he is not making commission and is barely making ends meet so phone time isn't a priority, which is understandable i guess but also inconvenient for plan-making. he has my number but i am not really a sit-around-and-wait-for-the-phone-to-ring kinda girl so yeah. besides he seems to like the fact that i actually made the effort to come see him despite not having specific plans. so i don't think he'd mind if it happened again? then again, if it keeps happening, he might stop finding it cute and be weirded out.

also not willing to consider anything more than friendship? uh but he kissed me.  i don't know about you, but i don't go around kissing people that i would like to pursue normal friendships with.  

Starting from the bottom and working up. How did he kiss you? Admittedly, I don't kiss girls in any shape or form unless I am interested in something more than friendship, but a light peck on say, the forehead, or the neck or whatever is something I class as 'not serious' and barely think twice about it.

I'd go and see him, maybe make some excuse that you were in the area - or not because that is a huge clichéd way of lying about it - and see if he wants to hang out. If not then maybe take it easy, if so then, well, win situation. You obviously know that there is a fine line between showing up occasionally and near-stalking so there's not much else to say there. Personally unless I am really into somebody I don't really try to make time to hang with them, but am more than happy to do so if the opportunity naturally presents itself.

As for what he - and I, I guess - said about polygamous relationships, that is just his opinion. You have a different one and that is cool, there are people on both sides of either fence and presumably many other weirder fences which should maybe be electrified in some cases. His view on relationships may become a factor if you do try to pursue something with him, it may not... he might be happy to enter into whatever kind of relationship you want to have with him, but there is, I think, a very real danger that the lack of monogamy would start to become an issue for him. Otherwise, I think it is more likely he will start to view it as a 'friends with benefits' situation, or you may even alter his view on polygamy.

If he was actually lecturing you and telling you how your relationship is / isn't then that would suggest he would be less likely to enter into something while you were still commited to your boyfriend, even if in an open fashion.

Ultimately my opinion is still as it was in the last post... I think he is interested in you, and hanging out with him more is a good idea, but going further than friendship may be difficult.

They are joking but sometimes the gays get psyched! You are probably too womanly to be tricky about it, but every once in a while I've had a gay girl come onto me really hard, so don't give up!

Also, trying again.

5 people in this situation. All names changed except for mine.

1. Alex. A boy who may or may not have raped my female friend, Sara. Used to be one of my best friends, we climbed together, did drugs together, hung out together, until I sobered up and realized the things above weren't just in my head when I was stoned. Is very good friends with;
2. Nicole. Girl I am dating(not girlfriend, important point.) I started seeing her at the beginning of the summer, initially in a "we are both lonely so lets just have some sexy fun," sort of way, but it has grown into more than that. She's totally rad, and I like her a whole bunch. The only problem is that she recently broke up with;
3. Voldemort, her ex boyfriend. I was under the impression they were totally quits at the beginning of the summer(they had broken up for a while, and gotten back together about a month before school let out, according to her just so that they would have the maximum amount of fun at the end of the year,) but as my relationship with Nicole got more serious, I learned that there was still a lot of unresolved emotion between the two of them, and he was probably planning on resuming the relationship when the summer ended. Obviously, this has caused me a great deal of stress, which has nothing to do with;
4. Sara. A good female friend of mine for almost two years. It was revealed to me at the beginning of the summer by a mutual friend that Mark raped her, and she later told me about it herself, in tears. She has been raped twice before, so she is not a girl who would be lying about this. Plus, hearing her tell the story banished all doubt from my mind that it could possibly have not happened.

Two weeks before Nicole went to Italy for a brief vacation, Alex and I had a major falling out, resulting in Nicole having to choose between us for hangouts, since she likes spending time with me, but is still really close with him. Her comment was that she "felt like a child of divorce, having to choose between her two dads. Sara is the one who suggested I tell Nicole about it, because it would make it easier for me to hang out with Nicole, and would make it less likely that Sara would ever have to see Alex, ever. Nicole and Sara are in the process of becoming friends. Voldemort is just an asshole.

Is that more clear? Names and pronouns and all that shit are incredibly obnoxious.

Having been in a similar situation, I would:

1) Just leave Alex alone, if possible. I don't see much reason to make a big deal out of it - by which I mean have some potentially violent confrontation - just don't hang out with him.
2) Tell Nicole about Alex. Just lay it down. I'd explain you're not trying to persuade her into not hanging out with somebody or whatever, but that you can't hang out with Alex and this is why, if she doesn't believe you, or doesn't care, then you can deal with that how you wish, but you have laid out your reasons that you won't hang out with Alex and it is not a matter of choice or whatever for you. You don't have to go into specifics, because naturally that would be breaching Sara's trust, but explain you believe he has done something horrible and you just don't want to be around him.
3) I don't think there is anything you can do about Voldemort, to be honest. As horrible as it is to say, if something is going to happen between him and Nicole, something is going to happen. I don't think trying to stop or dissuade it will be beneficial to anybody in the long run. Just focus on you and Nicole as much you can because, in the end, she's already chosen you over him.
4) Well I don't think any action needs to be taken here? She is your friend and if you've been following this thing then you have already taken steps to distance yourself from Alex so that is ok?


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Re: The Relationship, Or Lack Thereof, Advice Thread
« Reply #1724 on: 12 Aug 2009, 22:03 »

Thanks, guys, for your input on my hilariously over the top dramas. I think I'll probably make some kind of move, I am just trying to decide whether it be sitting down and telling her how I feel (again) or maybe using one of the countless opportunities she gives me to kiss her. Just concerned about the potential drama it could cause with her new guy who she apparently adores. See how things go I suppose.

was there not time when she was single for your to make a move?  I think your trying for something that isn't there man.  

You're in what's called the friend zone.  If you make a move, by kissing or professing your love to her while she's in a relationship you run the risk of really ticking her off.  Mostly due to the fact it's pretty disrespectful to her that you would put her in that situation while she's with someone (especially someone she evidently really likes).  If you can't get it done while she's single why do you think her dating someone is gonna make a difference for your chances.  Just eat the heartache and move on.

This girl wants you as a friend not as anything more or you would be the guy she's with.  It's that simple.

But if making a move and getting turned down again and possibly annoying her will help you get over it then GO FOR IT!  Man up do what you need to do, just remember the pain will probably feel the same either way.
« Last Edit: 12 Aug 2009, 22:06 by Masterbainter »
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Re: The Relationship, Or Lack Thereof, Advice Thread
« Reply #1725 on: 12 Aug 2009, 23:30 »

I have the overwhelming urge to call you an idiot for that post but do not know if I have the courage to actually do so.

Oh, wait.


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Re: The Relationship, Or Lack Thereof, Advice Thread
« Reply #1726 on: 12 Aug 2009, 23:46 »

I have the courage. You're an idiot.
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Re: The Relationship, Or Lack Thereof, Advice Thread
« Reply #1727 on: 12 Aug 2009, 23:59 »

sorry, if I feel it's down right douchebaggery for a guy to sit there and blatenly try to fuck with a girls head while she's in what seems like a good relationship, hell even if it's a bad one.  Don't fuck with peoples relationships like that.  It's easy concept that so many people do not follow.  

It's almost ike he knows what's going to happen, so he waits till she's really developed feelings for another guy and then tries to ask her to be his.  Is that it?  So then the excuse you can tell yourself is because she had a boyfriend already?

All I'm saying is, it says alot about someone who guns for people in relationships.
« Last Edit: 13 Aug 2009, 00:29 by Masterbainter »
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Re: The Relationship, Or Lack Thereof, Advice Thread
« Reply #1728 on: 13 Aug 2009, 00:33 »

All of which would be very sound if this was a PG Wodehouse novel and she was a silver cow creamer he was trying to nab by nefarious means. Instead she's an independent human being capable of making her own decisions about what relationship she'd like to be in, and who with. People can make up their own minds and if she wants to leave her boyfriend (or doesn't) that's her call. This is just as daft as when people go mental about their partners hanging around with an ex, or say things like "I trust my partner, it's that girl/guy I don't trust".
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Re: The Relationship, Or Lack Thereof, Advice Thread
« Reply #1729 on: 13 Aug 2009, 00:44 »

 Don't fuck with peoples relationships like that.  
Stop QQ.

For one, as "a pack of wolves" said, she has a brain. Let her use it. If she can't be bothered to stay with one guy in favor  of an other, it just says that much about the relationship she was in.

Seconds, love is war. There are some rules but basically you've gotta risk it to get the biscuit. Gunning down a couple is part of the game, and anyway if the couple can be gunnde down it was meant to be gunned down.
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Re: The Relationship, Or Lack Thereof, Advice Thread
« Reply #1730 on: 13 Aug 2009, 02:14 »

She already has made it pretty clear, from what I read.  

I'm guessing alot of you guys like to sit there in the friend zone.  He told her how he felt and went extreme as to getting her and "debt incurring ring".  If he doesn't get the hint by now... then he's gonna sit there constantly trying to(although he isn't aware is even trying to) cause problems for her and future relationships.

I truly feel sorry for anyone who feels that they need a friend who'd be willing to bust up a relationship, because they were too pussy to pursue one when that person was available.

Girls do this shit to me all the time.  They never say anything about how they like me or want to be with me when I'm single, then I start dating someone seriously and they come up to me, text me, call me professing how they feel for me.   It's a bunch of bullshit.  Guys do the same thing(the case at hand).  Grow up.  Go after people that don't have something going for them. 

But w/e believe that it's okay to sit there and try to mingle where you shouldn't.  Don't have respect for your "friend".  Don't show others respect.  It's okay, really.
« Last Edit: 13 Aug 2009, 02:19 by Masterbainter »
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Re: The Relationship, Or Lack Thereof, Advice Thread
« Reply #1731 on: 13 Aug 2009, 02:35 »

There IS a difference between taking your chance even if the girl/guy is dating someone, taking your chance AFTER he/she starts dating someone, and continuing to take your chances repeatedly after she/he is dating someone.

What my point is, is that it's perfectly ok to chase someone who's dating someone else. But evidently of you get rejected, you have to just stop trying.

As for the "I'll take my chance now he/she is dating someone", that's just plain retarded. I once asked a girl who did that to me why she would wait all that darn time anyway and tell me AFTER it didn't make a difference; the answer was "if you reject me while in a couple, I can assume it's because of the couple and not becaues of me"... Which is also pretty retarded.

Anyway to get back on subject, in her case it's perfectly clear the guy should just calm down, but that's not extrapolatable to any given situation.

FYI Masterbrainer : Nope I don't stay i nthe friend zone, and have been in a happy couple for two years now, thank you.

EDIT @ Brainmaster : If the guy reacts, there's no problem to be had. Of course it's ennerving, it's just part of life. I for once don't try and score dated chicks, but when it happens, you just deal with it.
« Last Edit: 13 Aug 2009, 03:03 by Windyo »
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Re: The Relationship, Or Lack Thereof, Advice Thread
« Reply #1732 on: 13 Aug 2009, 02:56 »

It's just my own personal thing, not to jump in on someone else's shit.  I have my own reasons and other reason I think are legitimate to my outlook on it.

How would you feel if you were dating a girl and her guy friend was constantly trying to weasel his way in?  You gonna sit back and be like, "Oh that's okay that he's totally wanting you and putting you in a awkward situation, baby!"?  Trust me, you do that and your girl is gonna wonder if you even care for her and what you and her may have.  

You're putting many parties here at risk of no needed drama.  Relationships are already hard enough on people.   Why try to be a home wrecker?

If they weren't met to be then, let them run their course, stay the good friend.  When she's single, make your move.  If she has real true feelings for this guy then you are making things really hard for her.  Pretty much causing her to make a choice, which won't be a benefit to you and her in the future.

Sorry, this is the last I'll say about the issue, I think it's pretty clear what my opinion is. :)
« Last Edit: 13 Aug 2009, 03:01 by Masterbainter »
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Re: The Relationship, Or Lack Thereof, Advice Thread
« Reply #1733 on: 13 Aug 2009, 03:05 »

Recently I was absolutely convinced that there was a gril after my boyfriend, they had known each other a little for a while & she'd only started being flirty when I came along. It was made worse by the fact both their bands are going on tour together.

He told me not to be silly and that he was with me, no-one else. (My paranoia stems from the fact I had a crush on him for 7 years and am still slightly in shock he's my boyfriend...)

I decided the best way to deal with it was to be super nice to her so she'd feel to guilty to try it on with him. It worked better than I could of imagined. I discovered she is awesome, I have a great new friend, also that, here's the kicker, she actually has a massive crush on someone else. Not interested in my boy at all...

The reason she was being more friendly to him was because as he had a girlfriend she felt more comfortable around him because he was taken, her friendlyness was less liekly to be misconstrued.

I write this as a counter point to say sometimes the world and the people in it are nicer than you think, peoples actions don't always come from a bad place.

(Sorry for my terrible english in this post, I've just given blood & feel a bit woozy.)
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Re: The Relationship, Or Lack Thereof, Advice Thread
« Reply #1734 on: 13 Aug 2009, 03:06 »

I think I'll probably make some kind of move, I am just trying to decide whether it be sitting down and telling her how I feel (again) or maybe using one of the countless opportunities she gives me to kiss her.

Sounds like not is not the only one fucking with people's heads. At least from his perspective. From what he has said it almost sounds as if she is trying to have her cake and eat it too, keeping him around but not making a commitment because she doesn't want to ruin blah blah blah.

My advice is to tell her your feelings again, and see what she chooses. If she chooses you then happy days; if she chooses her boyfriend then let it go. If she keeps acting like she is and playing with your head while having a boyfriend, call her out on it and tell her to cut it out.
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Re: The Relationship, Or Lack Thereof, Advice Thread
« Reply #1735 on: 13 Aug 2009, 03:09 »

I kinda of had a little of that thought too, as I once dated a girl who liked to play.  However, I think this girl really likes her friendship with him and doesn't want to lose him as a friend any more than he does her.  So it's probably extremely confusing for her.
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Re: The Relationship, Or Lack Thereof, Advice Thread
« Reply #1736 on: 13 Aug 2009, 04:13 »

How would you feel if you were dating a girl and her guy friend was constantly trying to weasel his way in?  You gonna sit back and be like, "Oh that's okay that he's totally wanting you and putting you in a awkward situation, baby!"?  Trust me, you do that and your girl is gonna wonder if you even care for her and what you and her may have.  

My girlfriend would tell me it was none of my damn business, and if I tried telling her she couldn't hang out with someone because they wanted to sleep with her I'd find myself unceremoniously dumped without much delay. Not everyone likes possessiveness, for a lot of people it's nothing but annoying and insulting.
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Re: The Relationship, Or Lack Thereof, Advice Thread
« Reply #1737 on: 13 Aug 2009, 04:19 »

I would probably be the same way, although maybe not that extreme. I would also like to add that this guy isn't constantly trying to weasel his way in. As far as we know he has stated his intentions in the past, but just been a friend, especially when she had (has?) a boyfriend.
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Re: The Relationship, Or Lack Thereof, Advice Thread
« Reply #1738 on: 13 Aug 2009, 06:57 »

Sounds like not is not the only one fucking with people's heads. At least from his perspective. From what he has said it almost sounds as if she is trying to have her cake and eat it too, keeping him around but not making a commitment because she doesn't want to ruin blah blah blah.

This is my read on situation as well. Some people like to have someone in the bullpen. They'll date other people, but always have their "good friend" as a back-up plan. Sure Alan might leave me, but I can always hang out with Bob. In her head, she's probably just hanging out with Bob because she feels like she could use a friend like him, but the constant flirting keeps him in the prime position to be plan B if Plan Alan doesn't work out.

This nebulous position is where our friend Maxus finds himself. He is her plan B. To get out of that awkward position, he really needs to say how he feels. If she doesn't feel the same way, then they can go on being friends, but he should look for other people to buy expensive things for.
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Re: The Relationship, Or Lack Thereof, Advice Thread
« Reply #1739 on: 13 Aug 2009, 10:50 »

Masterbainter -

The situation as it is now is perfectly fine for me if she would cut out all the stuff which is constantly making other people go on about how much she is obviously into me. I certainly have no desire to screw up her relationships, if I was that kind of dude I would have strolled in guns blazing when we first got to know each other properly and I could at least console myself with the idea that "well the dude she is with now is a dick anyway so it's ok".

I'm certainly not trying to weasel my way in, constantly or otherwise... I've known her for three years and it's been like this the entire time. Was I biding my time? Yeah, I was, I'd thought maybe if - and at the time that was a big if - she finished with her boyfriend then I could make a move or whatever, but her finishing with her boyfriend coincided with me having to work 13 hour days on 6 day weeks to work towards repaying £2,000 of debt to the kinds of loan companies who will give loans to people with terrible credit, with interest rates through the roof. By the time I'd nearly gotten financially stable again, stable enough to have a social life, I lost my job.

Long story short, she finished with her boyfriend and then I physically didn't have the time or capacity to see her until she got with her new guy. Sucks for me, I guess.

I'm well aware of the ramifications if I do try something, especially at the moment, and that is essentially the reason that, in honesty, I will probably come really close to saying / doing something then not doing it because of the potential dramas.

I just feel like... especially after reading people's replies, that I need to do something or this is just going to be a thing hanging over me for however long.

In the course of knowing this girl I've 1) turned down an amazing job and relocation opportunity with Blizzard and 2) repeatedly shot down or brushed off other girls when they've tried to make moves. I'm starting to feel like something has to give eventually, even if it is just having a probably awkward conversation where she firmly tells me we are just friends and I ask her to please chill the fuck out with the flirting and everything else.

Edit: Also I told her once how I felt about her, literally once. I don't think that makes me a dude who is trying to push some other kind of relationship when only friendship is on the cards.
« Last Edit: 13 Aug 2009, 11:00 by maxusy3k »


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Re: The Relationship, Or Lack Thereof, Advice Thread
« Reply #1740 on: 13 Aug 2009, 13:40 »

To add to the debate, I suggest just walking away. She knows where you stand, chose someone else over you, and whilst fully aware of both those things chooses to still linger round you. That's not a happy mix, is it?

Cut your losses mate, walk away, and have done with it. My advice.

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Re: The Relationship, Or Lack Thereof, Advice Thread
« Reply #1741 on: 13 Aug 2009, 13:47 »

Honestly, don't choose a hypothetical girl over a good-paying job at blizzard... Plus if she already knows where you stand, I don't see the point. Try one more time for your own personal record, get over the answer, and move on.
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Re: The Relationship, Or Lack Thereof, Advice Thread
« Reply #1742 on: 13 Aug 2009, 15:15 »

I miss my ex, a little.

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Re: The Relationship, Or Lack Thereof, Advice Thread
« Reply #1743 on: 13 Aug 2009, 16:24 »

<Insert overly-technical joke about aiming better on your next shot.>

<Greet with silence.>
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Hey, hey, hey, hey-now. Don't be mean; we don't have to be mean, 'cos, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


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Re: The Relationship, Or Lack Thereof, Advice Thread
« Reply #1744 on: 13 Aug 2009, 21:13 »

Maxus, you deffinately seems like a nice guy and an okay dude.  I'm not trying to berrate you to make you feel like you'd be an ass for going after her while she's in a relationship.  However,  I'm just trying to possible show what she might view it as.

Main issue here man.  Blowing off other potential relationships and good job opportunity for this girl, when you're not even a "thing" yet.   I know what that warm fuzzy all you can do is think about the person crush type feeling feels like.  I also know what it feels like to finally get to be with that person and find out, "wow, this is not what I expected."  Who knows she may be everything you're expecting and even more.  It's just don't let the chemical imbalance in your head throw off your life.

I don't agree with alot of people here, but I do agree you should go all or nothing and move on if what happens is what happened before.

Edit:  Or listen to what the poster below has said.
« Last Edit: 14 Aug 2009, 02:46 by Masterbainter »
Hey guys let me tell you about my intercourses.

My intercourses, let me tell you about them.

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Re: The Relationship, Or Lack Thereof, Advice Thread
« Reply #1745 on: 14 Aug 2009, 02:40 »

Dear Max,
I have read about your lady troubles on the internet. I would like to tell you about when ladies are not troubles.

When a lady loves you, she will do many things to show you she does. She may move very far to be with you, she will act on behalf of your best interests and most happiness, if she knows you like her there will be kisses, and she will not be dating gentlemen.

I would like to tell you from my experience, as a lady, that sometimes dating is very scary! Sometimes there are gentlemen who do not treat you well, and you find that they are not gentlemen at all. When this happens, it is sometimes hard to let them go, and harder to keep them away. It is easier when other gentlemen are present, especially if they are nice gentlemen. There is a time, which is a later time, when a lady may require supplementary qualities to niceness from a gentleman. She may want this gentleman to be available for kisses for a long time, even when she is old and wrinkly, and there will be love.

Perhaps at some later time the lady you fancy will find that you have all the necessary attributes to qualify you for the position of long-term kissing partner. It seems to me though, that she has not decided, and that you would like to have kisses now. Perhaps this lady is available for kisses now! (Or perhaps not.)

The point is to please not be sad about your lady friend. Love is not finding a person who is perfect and then kissing them and then being happy forever, the end. Love is not giving up a good job and spending money you don't have. Love is when both people do things to make each other happy, because they are sad when the other is sad. Love is a lot of trouble. Kisses, however, are not. With this lady or others there may be kisses. I recommend these kisses! I do not recommend getting punched in the tummy. It sounds like you might get punched in the tummy. This sometimes may happen when you kiss a lady who has been recently kissing a different gentleman, because of a temporary exclusive kissing contract. I wish you very much luck.


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Re: The Relationship, Or Lack Thereof, Advice Thread
« Reply #1746 on: 14 Aug 2009, 07:23 »

Dutchess! welcome back! I see your hiatus has not dimmed the strength of your boarding.


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Re: The Relationship, Or Lack Thereof, Advice Thread
« Reply #1747 on: 14 Aug 2009, 07:47 »

holy shit

Quote from: meebo
[11:09] Darryl: MaiAda: the Beat Happening of the QC boards
[11:10] Darryl: so subtly subversive that not everybody can even tell
[11:10] Darryl: punk as fuck
[11:10] Darryl: ponies and rainbows


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Re: The Relationship, Or Lack Thereof, Advice Thread
« Reply #1748 on: 14 Aug 2009, 07:51 »

this stupid thread was totally worth it just for this

welcome back leslie!!!!!!!!!!
« Last Edit: 14 Aug 2009, 07:55 by iamiam »
Quote from: meebo
[11:09] Darryl: MaiAda: the Beat Happening of the QC boards
[11:10] Darryl: so subtly subversive that not everybody can even tell
[11:10] Darryl: punk as fuck
[11:10] Darryl: ponies and rainbows


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Re: The Relationship, Or Lack Thereof, Advice Thread
« Reply #1749 on: 14 Aug 2009, 09:24 »

I miss my ex, a little.


Hey, me too!  She tried to call me a couple nights ago.  Not sure why, I ignored the call because I am in the angry stage and do not want to talk to her for a very long time.  Especially if she just wants to complain about how shitty she's made her life lately and has no one else to talk to.  Hrm.
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