First of all, JackFaerie, mea culpa. I think I knew you were female, but can I blame it on a long discussion about gender identity we had? The truth is probably just old age...
Here's my take on all this...
I think I like where it's heading. I agree with Raoullefere, I'm not fond of the bar exam analogy, but Faye and Angus need to get to know each other a lot better than they do now. Most of what they've got to go on at the moment is coffeehouse sass-sparring. Angus was warned by Marten about her emotional issues, but not with any specificity. He's also found out about her father's suicide, but not with the whole emotional gestalt Marten 9and we) received in "The Talk".
Faye knows of the Marigold incident, and saw him right after Marigold's "attack" (come on, that's what it would be called if a guy did it to a girl...). I think she's willing to give him more of a chance, based on that and his current honesty.
But in the last panels, he's done his usual lightswitch from totally serious honesty to glib flippancy. I think this is what a lot of people don't like about him, but it's his reflexive social interaction mode. I'm sure it helps in his job as a strawman, and it probably got him by at the expensive prep school. I've used it sparingly myself to great effect, but it can be off-putting to some people.
I am a little worried that he considers Faye a "challenge". He's been rebuffed so many times (aw man, I got buffed again?), that he seems to have no "off" switch, no point where a normal person would say to themselves, "fuck it, it's not worth this". Not like Sven, who gets everything he wants, so that when he doesn't it's a challenge. I think some people in here feel he's trying to climb Mt. Faye "because she's there", but I like to think it's because there's something he sees in her that makes him feel she's worth the effort.
Really, we don't know him emotionally as well as we know Faye or several of the others. I think he could be good for her, I just don't know how good she'd be for/with/to him. She really does have hella issues, and even if he becomes just one of the people she works those issues out with, it'll be a good thing. I think it could work.
Or it will all end in tears.
Or in flames.
We'll see!