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Caring Hannelore cares!
- 9 (7.6%)
"You're a terrible influence, alcohol-induced hallucination."
- 18 (15.1%)
Where's Faye's Bra?
- 7 (5.9%)
Some kind of creepy trophy...
- 1 (0.8%)
Sheer Intensity of Makeouts?
- 4 (3.4%)
Quantum Tunnelling effect
- 9 (7.6%)
Please tell me you did not drink that entire bottle
- 0 (0%)
That was a terrible idea.
- 3 (2.5%)
At least ONE of us isn't gonna remember this in the morning.
- 15 (12.6%)
Did I say anything stupid last night? No, you were fine.
- 6 (5%)
- 38 (31.9%)
So, do you want me to kill Dora for you?
- 6 (5%)
Love you too, mom.
- 3 (2.5%)

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Author Topic: WCDT: 13-17 Dec 2010 (1816-20)  (Read 309559 times)


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Re: WCDT: 13-17 Dec 2010 (1816-20)
« Reply #800 on: 17 Dec 2010, 08:09 »

Jeph's art is definitely improving by leaps and bounds these days. Also, Ms. Vance is awesome for offering to kill Dora, even though I like Dora I like her less for dumping Marten.


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Re: WCDT: 13-17 Dec 2010 (1816-20)
« Reply #801 on: 17 Dec 2010, 08:19 »

Jeph's art is definitely improving by leaps and bounds these days. Also, Ms. Vance is awesome for offering to kill Dora, even though I like Dora I like her less for dumping Marten.

I'd like to see a murder or serious injury in this comic, myself (kind of lacking in my webcomic gore, as Dr McNinja has been really slow lately).


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Re: WCDT: 13-17 Dec 2010 (1816-20)
« Reply #802 on: 17 Dec 2010, 08:23 »

RED was it, right? Yeah i think i heard in the trailers but when i watched here, but i saw the translated version (sic), and when they mention it, they said "trabajo húmedo", something that sounds more like "moist job". I think i almost died while chocking on my laughter (<-- does that makes sense???)

Moist job!? And it does make sense because I am choking on my laughter right now. The cubicle dweller next to me already thinks I'm nuts, now it sounds like an invisible man is strangling me. Sounds like something right out of the english subtitles from a foreign bootleg.

BTW, you haven't seen LOTR until you've seen the Iraqi bootleg that my friend brought back with him. I usually don't subscribe to bootlegging and pirating, but when its that bad its practically a fair use satire.
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Re: WCDT: 13-17 Dec 2010 (1816-20)
« Reply #803 on: 17 Dec 2010, 08:37 »

(Hangs head in shame)


(Also hangs his head in shame)

But ... but ... I'm not a native english speaker, after all !

Well, according to the link Akima gave to Wikipedia, the phrase was originally Russian.  It got into the spy world via the KGB, who got it from the criminal world of armed robbery, a wet job being one where you had to spill some blood to get the goods. 

Gives you an idea about who the KGB hired in the early days...
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Re: WCDT: 13-17 Dec 2010 (1816-20)
« Reply #804 on: 17 Dec 2010, 08:49 »

some fucking people appear to like what Marten said while drunk, and seem to want him to have meant it.

Why would he not have meant it? It is exactly what he is thinking, only the booze makes him not censor it!
He likes this chick, open his home to her, helps her out in a lot of ways, and what does he get for his efforts?
Friendship that will fade out when she moves in and starts a family with someone else.
That's what I call paving the way.

She takes advantage of the situation and his feelings towards her. I am not saying she is a cold hearted and calculating bitch, but she is
nevertheless making the best of his attraction towards her. And telling someone "Oh I will always ONLY be your friend, so if you can't
accept this, please let me know. But if you CAN accept it, then fine we'll stay friends" does NOT excuse a chick from taking advantage.
Or even a guy for that matter; I have seen it happen the other way rarely. It is 'parasitic'. Does Marten get what he wants?
I'm sure he wasn't looking for a punch in the head. I'm sure he wanted to make out like he said.

Faye should do the right thing and either move out, or else decide Marten is who she wants, and dump her current BF. It's not nice to him,
but at least she could be true to herself and Marten. She seemed to have at least some bit of romantic feelings at an earlier time.  

Marten didn't lie to her when he was drunk. And what he said has been on his mind since he'd met her.

(BTW, I find it best to proceed as if these people were real, and not characters. Pintsize becomes pretty scary that way...)
« Last Edit: 17 Dec 2010, 08:53 by El_Flesh »


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Re: WCDT: 13-17 Dec 2010 (1816-20)
« Reply #805 on: 17 Dec 2010, 08:55 »

I learned the term "wet work" from books, so it's not just something you pick up in spy movies.

I love that Marten's mom is willing to do time for the sake of her son's happiness, even though I'm pretty sure she knew the answer would be no before she offered to kill someone for him.
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Re: WCDT: 13-17 Dec 2010 (1816-20)
« Reply #806 on: 17 Dec 2010, 09:00 »

To El_Flesh, I know it seems like a daunting task, but you may want to read the topic first. About a dozen or more thoughts on exactly that issue have been expressed, including word from the author himself.

At the very least, check those and then promote your thoughts. You'll find posts supporting and going against that view. It might help you flesh it out more, in fact.

With regard to VV's cheeks. Eh...they're noticeable but they're not bad. It's interesting because if you look at her jaw-line, she's still got the sharp Reed jaw-line. The laughing lines just sort of suggest chubby cheeks...but they're really not there if you scrutinize.

I don't see the problem, personally.

And lol @ anyone who thought she seriously wanted to murder Dora. She made good use of dry humor during her last visit and it seems to have remained.


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Re: WCDT: 13-17 Dec 2010 (1816-20)
« Reply #807 on: 17 Dec 2010, 09:06 »

Why would he not have meant it? It is exactly what he is thinking, only the booze makes him not censor it!

It has been explained several times that having that much booze renders what you are thinking pretty much meaningless.  

In spite of that, I'll add that if my normal state censors a thought, the possibility that at some stage of booziness that thought might become uncensored does not make it more authentically me; in fact, less so, because the censorship in the normal state is also part of what makes me who I am.
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Re: WCDT: 13-17 Dec 2010 (1816-20)
« Reply #808 on: 17 Dec 2010, 09:17 »

I learned the term "wet work" from books, so it's not just something you pick up in spy movies.

I love that Marten's mom is willing to do time for the sake of her son's happiness, even though I'm pretty sure she knew the answer would be no before she offered to kill someone for him.

Best question to ask - the one to which you already know the answer.
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Re: WCDT: 13-17 Dec 2010 (1816-20)
« Reply #809 on: 17 Dec 2010, 09:37 »

Aw man, there's finally a comic with Marten's mom and my monitor is all fucked up and I can't see what she looks like properly.  Sucks.

I'd like to see a murder or serious injury in this comic, myself (kind of lacking in my webcomic gore, as Dr McNinja has been really slow lately).

Check back as of, like, right now - I checked it half an hour and it was still Thursday's page, and there's a new one now with something that will hopefully give you your violence fix.

And it was still pretty awesome without fights:

Dr. McNinja: "We're going to hijack the Space Shuttle and shoot a missile at the dinosaur scout that discovers Earth!"


King Radical: "...radical."

<snipsy doodle>
Marten's Mum on the other hand is made of deadpan-humour win. That's real mother love; she's ready to get "wet".

Yeah she is.
You know, they tell you, "Never hit a man with a closed fist," but it is, on occasion, hilarious.


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Re: WCDT: 13-17 Dec 2010 (1816-20)
« Reply #810 on: 17 Dec 2010, 09:37 »

some fucking people appear to like what Marten said while drunk, and seem to want him to have meant it.

Why would he not have meant it?

Why would  he have?  It's a drunken thought, right up there with "I'll just drive home nstead of calling a cab", and "Gee, those railroad ties look comfy.  I'll just lay down for a few".  The thoughts of a mind swimmng in booze are not a person's own thoughts.  Right, nothing censors them, but that doesn't mean they'd ever even cross his mind sober.  

He likes this chick, open his home to her, helps her out in a lot of ways, and what does he get for his efforts?
Friendship that will fade out when she moves in and starts a family with someone else.
That's what I call paving the way.

How old are you?  I'm guessing not much older than the comic protagonists.  I could be wrong, but I'm guessing you haven't had the opportunity to have a good friend start a family and move.  You don't lose touch, not with your best friends.  And even if you do lose touch for a while, you can easily contact them again, and fall right back into it.  Friendship's amazing like that.  And they are  best friends.  It's what he got out of the deal.  And what Faye got, as well.  Because she couldn't deal with him at the time, and they both moved on.  

She takes advantage of the situation and his feelings towards her. I am not saying she is a cold hearted and calculating bitch, but she is
nevertheless making the best of his attraction towards her. And telling someone "Oh I will always ONLY be your friend, so if you can't
accept this, please let me know. But if you CAN accept it, then fine we'll stay friends" does NOT excuse a chick from taking advantage.

read these again, and tell me, honestly, that that's what she's saying.  

Because it's not.  

Faye should do the right thing and either move out, or else decide Marten is who she wants, and dump her current BF. It's not nice to him,
but at least she could be true to herself and Marten. She seemed to have at least some bit of romantic feelings at an earlier time.  

Maybe moving out is the right thing for her to do.  Maybe not, not yet.  At some point, yes, she should move out.  Or he should.  And yes, maybe at some point they will get together.  I'm not even sure Jeph knows that one.  But not because of a drunken rant at the unfairness of the world.  Of course there's been a sexual attracton, there was a lot with many of my old female friends.  Doesn't mean we ever acted on it, or that it destroyed our friendships.  

(BTW, I find it best to proceed as if these people were real, and not characters...)

Not a bad idea.  I hope you don't treat your real friends the way you say Marten and faye should treat each other.  

Good lord, it took so long to compose this that three other people have adressed parts of your post.  

Oh, well.  
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Re: WCDT: 13-17 Dec 2010 (1816-20)
« Reply #811 on: 17 Dec 2010, 09:51 »

In the last panel Marten's reaching back to slip a note into his mother's hand with Sven's address and details about Dora's routine on it. He just didn't want possible witnesses hearing him tell   Veronica that he wanted Dora dead; that would make him an accomplice!

Is this a new rule of the forums - whenever we can't see one of Marten's hands, it's up to no good (groping Faye/plotting murder)?

 Yes, the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. (apologies to Gary Larson)

 As it is, this strip is pretty classic; what with the hangover, threats of death, and witty remarks. :-D

 Also, not sure if I'm remembering this correctly. But didn't last time we see Marten's mom she also met Dora?

 Maybe that was Marten's mom through Dora's starry eyes (since she used to be famous)

 And now we're seeing her through Marten's eyes where she's just "Mom".

 Dunno. Just thought it was cool!  :-D


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Re: WCDT: 13-17 Dec 2010 (1816-20)
« Reply #812 on: 17 Dec 2010, 10:09 »

Carl - I thought we agreed not to feed the trolls? 
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Re: WCDT: 13-17 Dec 2010 (1816-20)
« Reply #813 on: 17 Dec 2010, 10:14 »

Anyone else thinking we're going to be seeing at least three "Oh Shit!" moments next week?

One from Dora, one from Faye and one from Hanners when she looks up Veronica on wikipedia?


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Re: WCDT: 13-17 Dec 2010 (1816-20)
« Reply #814 on: 17 Dec 2010, 10:25 »

Anyone else thinking we're going to be seeing at least three "Oh Shit!" moments next week?

One from Dora, one from Faye and one from Hanners when she looks up Veronica on wikipedia?

What would be great is if they were all in one strip, panel-by-panel...with the last panel just being Veronica saying, "Hello, ladies."

And then there's a four-way battle to the death with the broadsword and Faye's Muay Thai and Hanners' WMDs and...

...wait, what were we talking about?


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Re: WCDT: 13-17 Dec 2010 (1816-20)
« Reply #815 on: 17 Dec 2010, 10:29 »

I--I actually like the way Veronica is done in the new version.
More Mom-ish, more realistic towards her age, but it seems like you can tell she was one hell of a looker not that long ago, and she can still rock the socks off her clients.

Just my 2c


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Re: WCDT: 13-17 Dec 2010 (1816-20)
« Reply #816 on: 17 Dec 2010, 10:42 »

Her age is probably just now catching up to her. She still looks quite pretty considering though... I'd definitely hit that.


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Re: WCDT: 13-17 Dec 2010 (1816-20)
« Reply #817 on: 17 Dec 2010, 10:45 »

Aw man, there's finally a comic with Marten's mom and my monitor is all fucked up and I can't see what she looks like properly.  Sucks.

I'd like to see a murder or serious injury in this comic, myself (kind of lacking in my webcomic gore, as Dr McNinja has been really slow lately).

Check back as of, like, right now - I checked it half an hour and it was still Thursday's page, and there's a new one now with something that will hopefully give you your violence fix.

And it was still pretty awesome without fights:

Dr. McNinja: "We're going to hijack the Space Shuttle and shoot a missile at the dinosaur scout that discovers Earth!"


King Radical: "...radical."

<snipsy doodle>
Marten's Mum on the other hand is made of deadpan-humour win. That's real mother love; she's ready to get "wet".

Yeah she is.

I like how today's McNinja comic seems to be a riff on Superboy Prime's "Time Punch" page that was so terrible back during Infinite Crisis.


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Re: WCDT: 13-17 Dec 2010 (1816-20)
« Reply #818 on: 17 Dec 2010, 10:46 »

It's a bit unfair to compare her to pictures of models that you pulled off the net. I didn't look at them because I'm at work, but chances are they have had a professional make-up job done, professional hair, and have been airbrushed to the point where their own children won't recognize them.

AFAIK, the Wikipedia links have unretouched photos.
« Last Edit: 17 Dec 2010, 10:49 by cesariojpn »


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Re: WCDT: 13-17 Dec 2010 (1816-20)
« Reply #819 on: 17 Dec 2010, 10:46 »

Wow - the last year has not been kind to her...

Marten's in his mid 20s, and if we assume that Ms. Vance was in her late 20s when she had Marten, that puts her in her early 50s.  I think any complaints have to be directed at the earlier art style for making her look like she was in her 30s.

earlier strip with a yearbook dated 1998, and he referenced prom- So he was either a junior(16) or senior(17/18) then. assuming he went right into college, grad'd in 4 years, he should be around 23.  I would rate his mom to be more in late-40's

yup, Im bored


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Re: WCDT: 13-17 Dec 2010 (1816-20)
« Reply #820 on: 17 Dec 2010, 10:48 »

Wow - the last year has not been kind to her...

Marten's in his mid 20s, and if we assume that Ms. Vance was in her late 20s when she had Marten, that puts her in her early 50s.  I think any complaints have to be directed at the earlier art style for making her look like she was in her 30s.

earlier strip with a yearbook dated 1998, and he referenced prom- So he was either a junior(16) or senior(17/18) then. assuming he went right into college, grad'd in 4 years, he should be around 23.  I would rate his mom to be more in late-40's

yup, Im bored

Can't be. The girlfriend graduated in 2002 and is now 26.  He'd have to be later into his 20s.

Edit: Wait, or is the comic in a different point in time...?


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Re: WCDT: 13-17 Dec 2010 (1816-20)
« Reply #821 on: 17 Dec 2010, 10:55 »

Wow - the last year has not been kind to her...

Marten's in his mid 20s, and if we assume that Ms. Vance was in her late 20s when she had Marten, that puts her in her early 50s.  I think any complaints have to be directed at the earlier art style for making her look like she was in her 30s.

earlier strip with a yearbook dated 1998, and he referenced prom- So he was either a junior(16) or senior(17/18) then. assuming he went right into college, grad'd in 4 years, he should be around 23.  I would rate his mom to be more in late-40's

yup, Im bored

Can't be. The girlfriend graduated in 2002 and is now 26.  He'd have to be later into his 20s.

Edit: Wait, or is the comic in a different point in time...?

it was admitted in teh comic that Dora was older then him. somebody dig up the strip!

different point in time? how about a different...reality! you see that guy on his comuter in CoD?  :psyduck:


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Re: WCDT: 13-17 Dec 2010 (1816-20)
« Reply #822 on: 17 Dec 2010, 10:57 »

it was admitted in teh comic that Dora was older then him. somebody dig up the strip!

Ohohoh, sorry, I forgot about that.  :psyduck:


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Re: WCDT: 13-17 Dec 2010 (1816-20)
« Reply #823 on: 17 Dec 2010, 10:57 »

I like how today's McNinja comic seems to be a riff on Superboy Prime's "Time Punch" page that was so terrible back during Infinite Crisis.

Terrible how?


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Re: WCDT: 13-17 Dec 2010 (1816-20)
« Reply #824 on: 17 Dec 2010, 10:58 »

it was admitted in teh comic that Dora was older then him. somebody dig up the strip!

Ohohoh, sorry, I forgot about that.  :psyduck:

s'ok, I cant be mad at a llama.

especially when there is one with a monocle....monocole?fuck.


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Re: WCDT: 13-17 Dec 2010 (1816-20)
« Reply #825 on: 17 Dec 2010, 11:15 »

I can't imagine that Dora would be that much older then Marten. She's probably 26 (She's said that even though Sven is just a year older, it creeped her out when he hit on her friends) and Sven has recently said he is 28, so give or take a couple of months between birthdays....

Marten is probably 24-25, don't ask me how I figured that....he just seems to be in that kinda age group.....Like I was....before last Monday...... Stupid getting older!


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Re: WCDT: 13-17 Dec 2010 (1816-20)
« Reply #826 on: 17 Dec 2010, 11:16 »

I think the only thing that bothers me about Veronica is that her cheek lines remind me of "photo-realistic" tattoos people get where the tat artist uses full black ink to just draw things like a nose or teeth, rather than shading lightly.

(left is the original)

Then again, I can't draw for shit (I'm a graphic designer, not an artist!), so I really can't say anything. I just think lighter lines would still convey the age, without being so shockingly THERE.


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Re: WCDT: 13-17 Dec 2010 (1816-20)
« Reply #827 on: 17 Dec 2010, 11:20 »

Carl - I thought we agreed not to feed the trolls?

Seems to me that this is exactly the warning of "don't be a dick to others".



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Re: WCDT: 13-17 Dec 2010 (1816-20)
« Reply #828 on: 17 Dec 2010, 11:24 »

OK, that's just pathetic. Veronica shows up, looking...puffier than I recall, & all sadface, & offers to kill Dora to make Marten happy. Somehow I expected cooler.

Don't get mad, Jeph, I'm just weirded out. Apparently she's aged a lot since the pre-Talk days.


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Re: WCDT: 13-17 Dec 2010 (1816-20)
« Reply #829 on: 17 Dec 2010, 11:27 »

I like how today's McNinja comic seems to be a riff on Superboy Prime's "Time Punch" page that was so terrible back during Infinite Crisis.

Terrible how?

Because anything that doesn't make sense timeline-wise is now blamed on Superboy Prime punching Time to escape from the Speed Force prison he was being held in by all the Flashes that had been trapped there when they ran too fast (he had originally been trapped there by Wally and two other Flashes that helped Wally pull him in once the way had started opening as Wally approached faster-than-light speeds with Superboy Prime in front of him).

OK, that's just pathetic. Veronica shows up, looking...puffier than I recall, & all sadface, & offers to kill Dora to make Marten happy. Somehow I expected cooler.

Don't get mad, Jeph, I'm just weirded out. Apparently she's aged a lot since the pre-Talk days.

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Re: WCDT: 13-17 Dec 2010 (1816-20)
« Reply #830 on: 17 Dec 2010, 11:35 »

Elysiana, I think you are exactly right about the lines being too dark. They are present to convey laugh lines but end up creating a sense of puffy cheeks that many have been whining about. Though I don't know why age and little extra weight (if that's what Jeph did intend with the dark lines) automatically make her somehow less than her last appearance. I find it a little ridiculous that with everything there is to be said about Ms. Reed everyone is so hung up on her appearance...

*Looks at feminist soapbox, puts one foot up, takes it back down, and backs away slowly*

But seriously, VV is beautiful and vivacious and funny. I don't know if offering to take Dora out is the right response here, but maybe she thought he needed a laugh and didn't realize that Marten's jokey violent friend slot is already very well occupied by the beautiful and vivacious Faye. It's time for some rational Mom perspective. With any luck we'll get to see that on Monday.
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Re: WCDT: 13-17 Dec 2010 (1816-20)
« Reply #831 on: 17 Dec 2010, 11:41 »

Carl - I thought we agreed not to feed the trolls? 

Wait, what? 

Damn, and he seemed so sincere.  Misguided, maybe...

Wait, I just went and read some of his other posts.  Seems he's no troll, just a bit of a self-confessed jerk. 

Which means my reply's about as useful as a ... well, you know.   :wink:

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Re: WCDT: 13-17 Dec 2010 (1816-20)
« Reply #832 on: 17 Dec 2010, 12:07 »

Dude - think your way, and live your life your way, and I'll live my life mine! I have been around the block more than a few times.

I should have done the things I recommend to Marten, because I lost out the same way he has more than once.
Later on, I won the one time it really counted. I'm married to her now.

The other ones were not worth waiting around for, but we don't have a crystal ball. At the time I didn't know
that they would ultimately move on. So, I will always advise anyone in that situation to cut their losses,
stop wasting their time and youth, and move on to someone new.

If a girl OR a guy will only be friends with you when they KNOW what you want, then they shouldn't torture you.
It's just mean. Marten is going to have a small bit of hope in the back of his head that Faye will one day come around,
and while there is a small chance she might, she probably never will. That bit of hope most people cling to with tenacity,
and wind up paying for it. It's very probably not worth it. Move out Marten. Let Faye shack up with Angus. Don't go into
coffee of doom ever again. The next chick you come across, you will accept less shit from, and it will serve you well.
Know when to draw the line and tell a woman that enough is enough; shit or get off the pot. Girls OR guys with issues can
just suck all the life and energy out of you, and not in a good way.

If I'm drinking in a bar with Marten, this is exactly what I will tell him, drunk OR sober.

If you guys think this shouldn't be posted here and it's trolling then fine, let me know and I won't bother you again.


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Re: WCDT: 13-17 Dec 2010 (1816-20)
« Reply #833 on: 17 Dec 2010, 12:10 »

Dude - think your way, and live your life your way, and I'll live my life mine! I have been around the block more than a few times.

I should have done the things I recommend to Marten, because I lost out the same way he has more than once.
Later on, I won the one time it really counted. I'm married to her now.

The other ones were not worth waiting around for, but we don't have a crystal ball. At the time I didn't know
that they would ultimately move on. So, I will always advise anyone in that situation to cut their losses,
stop wasting their time and youth, and move on to someone new.

If a girl OR a guy will only be friends with you when they KNOW what you want, then they shouldn't torture you.
It's just mean. Marten is going to have a small bit of hope in the back of his head that Faye will one day come around,
and while there is a small chance she might, she probably never will. That bit of hope most people cling to with tenacity,
and wind up paying for it. It's very probably not worth it. Move out Marten. Let Faye shack up with Angus. Don't go into
coffee of doom ever again. The next chick you come across, you will accept less shit from, and it will serve you well.
Know when to draw the line and tell a woman that enough is enough; shit or get off the pot. Girls OR guys with issues can
just suck all the life and energy out of you, and not in a good way.

If I'm drinking in a bar with Marten, this is exactly what I will tell him, drunk OR sober.

If you guys think this shouldn't be posted here and it's trolling then fine, let me know and I won't bother you again.

This post had me laughing far more than it was probably meant to.  :mrgreen:


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Re: WCDT: 13-17 Dec 2010 (1816-20)
« Reply #834 on: 17 Dec 2010, 12:15 »

Because anything that doesn't make sense timeline-wise is now blamed on Superboy Prime punching Time to escape from the Speed Force prison he was being held in by all the Flashes that had been trapped there when they ran too fast (he had originally been trapped there by Wally and two other Flashes that helped Wally pull him in once the way had started opening as Wally approached faster-than-light speeds with Superboy Prime in front of him).

Oh, terrible in the continuity sense. Sure. I thought you were saying the art/design of the page was terrible.


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Re: WCDT: 13-17 Dec 2010 (1816-20)
« Reply #835 on: 17 Dec 2010, 12:19 »

Because anything that doesn't make sense timeline-wise is now blamed on Superboy Prime punching Time to escape from the Speed Force prison he was being held in by all the Flashes that had been trapped there when they ran too fast (he had originally been trapped there by Wally and two other Flashes that helped Wally pull him in once the way had started opening as Wally approached faster-than-light speeds with Superboy Prime in front of him).

Oh, terrible in the continuity sense. Sure. I thought you were saying the art/design of the page was terrible.

The aesthetics of the thing bugs the hell out of me anyway (there is a very good Dragonball Z parody image floating around the internet), but yeah, the "logic" behind the entire thing certainly doesn't help matters.


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Re: WCDT: 13-17 Dec 2010 (1816-20)
« Reply #836 on: 17 Dec 2010, 12:24 »

Ya gotta love Marten's mom.  The things she'd do for her son.   :-D

I'm looking forward to the bunfight that'll occur when she goes to see Dora

And I think she will.
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Re: WCDT: 13-17 Dec 2010 (1816-20)
« Reply #837 on: 17 Dec 2010, 12:24 »

So what causes you to laugh so much?
Why make a provocative statement and leave it at that without explaining?
What's your take on the situation?


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Re: WCDT: 13-17 Dec 2010 (1816-20)
« Reply #838 on: 17 Dec 2010, 12:28 »

If you guys think this shouldn't be posted here and it's trolling then fine, let me know and I won't bother you again.

I don't see this as trolling, but I do see it as a misguided point of view.  Your life has worked out for you along these lines, so fine; but you are expressing ideas which most people here disagree with.  Also fine, but this is not a relationship forum - it is about a comic and the people in it.  You have misinterpreted Marten in spite of recent guidance from Jeph, the author.  Jeph will write Marten as he pleases, and not as you (or anyone else) thinks he should.  Repeatedly coming back to express this same view here again will be seen as provocative and could spur me into more direct action.

Everyone else - just leave it be, please.
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Re: WCDT: 13-17 Dec 2010 (1816-20)
« Reply #839 on: 17 Dec 2010, 12:32 »

So what causes you to laugh so much?
Why make a provocative statement and leave it at that without explaining?
What's your take on the situation?

It wasn't meant as a provocative statement, and it'll make more sense if I have the time this weekend to pull together the post on Marten's character I'll be making in the relevant thread to explain my Nice Guy posts earlier in the thread.

I was mainly laughing at how you're going to be making my earlier points for me if you keep arguing the way you are. Paul seems to get it, as well, but for the shorter version go back in the thread and read the posts I've made.

I don't see this as trolling, but I do see it as a misguided point of view.  Your life has worked out for you along these lines, so fine; but you are expressing ideas which most people here disagree with.  Also fine, but this is not a relationship forum - it is about a comic and the people in it.  You have misinterpreted Marten in spite of recent guidance from Jeph, the author.  Jeph will write Marten as he pleases, and not as you (or anyone else) thinks he should.  Repeatedly coming back to express this same view here again will be seen as provocative and could spur me into more direct action.

Everyone else - just leave it be, please.

Until this weekend, where I'll be linking to it at some point in the Marten characterization thread and using it for reference, sure.  :evil:
« Last Edit: 17 Dec 2010, 12:33 by Odin »


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Re: WCDT: 13-17 Dec 2010 (1816-20)
« Reply #840 on: 17 Dec 2010, 12:48 »

Whatever. It was advice as if he were a live person.
Advice isn't twisting an arm like you make it sound.

Don't want to cause any more waves so I'll leave it be.



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Re: WCDT: 13-17 Dec 2010 (1816-20)
« Reply #841 on: 17 Dec 2010, 12:59 »

Ya gotta love Marten's mom.  The things she'd do for her son.   :-D

I'm looking forward to the bunfight that'll occur when she goes to see Dora

And I think she will.

No, Faye will shit her panties first given what Veronica told her in the past, and then Dora will catch on pretty quickly whats up.


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Re: WCDT: 13-17 Dec 2010 (1816-20)
« Reply #842 on: 17 Dec 2010, 13:14 »

Man, some of you talk about alcohol as if its evil incarnate and makes those who use it into the devils minions....

In my experience alcohol lowers inhibitions. In some people it makes inhibitions vanish. This is what causes people to "think they're alright to drive", because their usual warning bell isn't mentally going off. In other people alcohol brings to the forefront aspects of their personality that are usually suppressed, thus the angry drunk or the destructive drunk. The alcohol doesn't create these facets of a person, they're there all along.

I would also argue that a lot of people out there use alcohol as an excuse to not be responsible for their actions. People think, "I've been drinking, so it's okay to be a jerk" or to do something worse. Lowered inhibitions might tip someone in this sort of direction, but the person still is aware that they're crossing boundaries and deliberately chooses to disregard them because they can just say that they were drunk when confronted about it later.

That said, I do think that at the time Marten was drunk to the point of blacking out. While I think that what he said did come from some of his true feelings about his situation with Faye, what he said does not sum up all of his feelings about his situation with Faye.

Marten was probably thinking things like: "Where would I be now if Faye had been open to a relationship with me back before Dora? If I had been a more assertive person would we have gotten together? Has Faye been using me because I care about her? Why was Faye with Angus instead of comforting me? Now that Faye has a boyfriend am I going to lose my best friend?"

Marten's in a bad place, he's feeling insecure (and who could blame him, he just got dumped) and when you're insecure thoughts like these tend to multiply. Yes, most of them are ridiculous and unlikely, but that doesn't mean that we don't have them from time to time. If Marten were sober he would probably shut down these thoughts early, but when drunk Marten might not have been able to suppress his insecurities, leading to that conversation with Faye.

I hope that Faye brings it up to Marten again so that they can work past the things he said. Marten, if nothing else, needs to be reassured that his friendship with Faye is secure.
« Last Edit: 17 Dec 2010, 13:27 by TRVA123 »


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Re: WCDT: 13-17 Dec 2010 (1816-20)
« Reply #843 on: 17 Dec 2010, 13:24 »

OK, that's just pathetic. Veronica shows up, looking...puffier than I recall, & all sadface, & offers to kill Dora to make Marten happy. Somehow I expected cooler.

Don't get mad, Jeph, I'm just weirded out. Apparently she's aged a lot since the pre-Talk days.

 Just her face though. I thought maybe she'd gone to the dentist or something.

 Or is just really puffy eyed from the red-eye flight. That happens a lot.


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Re: WCDT: 13-17 Dec 2010 (1816-20)
« Reply #844 on: 17 Dec 2010, 13:43 »

I do think that at the time Marten was drunk to the point of blacking out. [...] Marten was probably thinking things like:

Have you ever been that drunk for real yourself?  Thinking is not a suitable word for what remains of brain function at that point.

And again this idea appears (briefly) that releasing inhibitions exposes your true feelings.  But your true self includes  those inhibitions, for better or worse, and removing them means that your thoughts become unrepresentative of you.

« Last Edit: 17 Dec 2010, 13:49 by pwhodges »
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Re: WCDT: 13-17 Dec 2010 (1816-20)
« Reply #845 on: 17 Dec 2010, 13:57 »

Have you ever been that drunk for real yourself?  Thinking is not a suitable word for what remains of brain function at that point.

And again this idea appears that releasing inhibitions exposes your true self.  NO!   Your true self includes  those inhibitions, for better or worse, and removing them is removing part of yourself.

I have been that drunk. Never again. But I was still thinking, not in a sophisticated or logical fashion, but on a more feelings based, instinctual level. However I was saved from myself by the fact that my lack of motor function prevented anyone from understanding what I was trying to say...

I can see your point about inhibitions being an integral part of your self, but that does not mean that the impulses they prevent aren't also part of your true self, even if they are contradictory. Humans tend to be inconsistent.

Put another way, we have different inhibitions depending on a situations context, right?


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Re: WCDT: 13-17 Dec 2010 (1816-20)
« Reply #846 on: 17 Dec 2010, 13:59 »

What would be great is if they were all in one strip, panel-by-panel...with the last panel just being Veronica saying, "Hello, ladies."

And then there's a four-way [...] with the broad[...] and Faye[...] and Hanners[...] and...

...wait, what were we talking about?

Ohh yeaaaaaahhhhh

Creative editing for prurient interests 101.

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Re: WCDT: 13-17 Dec 2010 (1816-20)
« Reply #847 on: 17 Dec 2010, 14:00 »

I do think that at the time Marten was drunk to the point of blacking out. [...] Marten was probably thinking things like:

Have you ever been that drunk for real yourself?  Thinking is not a suitable word for what remains of brain function at that point.

And again this idea appears (briefly) that releasing inhibitions exposes your true feelings.  But your true self includes  those inhibitions, for better or worse, and removing them means that your thoughts become unrepresentative of you.

True facts.  I once (only once) got falling down drunk and called my best girlfriend a dirty skank who stole boyfriends even though while sober I knew perfectly well that wasn't true.  I was also caught on camera declaring my love to some other girl that I barely knew.  I mean, she was hot and all, but I'm straight and haven't experienced any lesbian tendencies since.

I'm pretty sure that once you're downed-a-fifth-of-liquor drunk (gin in my case), nothing you say could really be called true anymore, and no one should believe you.  Well, unless you say it again while sober.


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Re: WCDT: 13-17 Dec 2010 (1816-20)
« Reply #848 on: 17 Dec 2010, 14:20 »

I do think that at the time Marten was drunk to the point of blacking out. [...] Marten was probably thinking things like:

Have you ever been that drunk for real yourself?  Thinking is not a suitable word for what remains of brain function at that point.

And again this idea appears (briefly) that releasing inhibitions exposes your true feelings.  But your true self includes  those inhibitions, for better or worse, and removing them means that your thoughts become unrepresentative of you.

You must feel like a broken record, having to repeat this that often.

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Re: WCDT: 13-17 Dec 2010 (1816-20)
« Reply #849 on: 17 Dec 2010, 14:24 »

I like how today's McNinja comic seems to be a riff on Superboy Prime's "Time Punch" page that was so terrible back during Infinite Crisis.

Oh man, I didn't even notice that until you mentioned it!  Hilarious.

And yeah, the fact that he punches Time fails to cross the line from stupid stupid to awesome stupid.
« Last Edit: 17 Dec 2010, 14:29 by The Duke »
You know, they tell you, "Never hit a man with a closed fist," but it is, on occasion, hilarious.
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