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- 2 (1.7%)
...Straight into a jet engine.
- 2 (1.7%)
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- 1 (0.9%)
Magnets or double-sided tape?
- 3 (2.6%)
"I always just REACT to things, you know?"
- 1 (0.9%)
The "does this dress make me look fat" thing
- 2 (1.7%)
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- 0 (0%)
Secret Wine!
- 1 (0.9%)
Keep you up all night with his mischief.
- 2 (1.7%)
Hanners Muzzles Faye!
- 10 (8.5%)
- 14 (12%)
Band Talk.
- 0 (0%)
Oh, who are we kidding? TEH KISSES!!!!!!!!!11!!!
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Author Topic: WCDT 2051-2055; Nov. 7-11, 2011  (Read 122163 times)


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Re: WCDT 2051-2055; Nov. 7-11, 2011
« Reply #350 on: 11 Nov 2011, 05:57 »

...Indian, not black. There is a difference.

Last time I checked, black was a colour, not a form of ethnicity.  :wink:
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Re: WCDT 2051-2055; Nov. 7-11, 2011
« Reply #351 on: 11 Nov 2011, 06:01 »

Glad to see the lil' guy enjoying a happy moment. :)
Whatever happens afterwards (and there's bound to be some fallout, it's QC after all), moments like these are what people live for, right? Finding happiness and clinging to it for as long as possible....  :psyduck:
Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.


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Re: WCDT 2051-2055; Nov. 7-11, 2011
« Reply #352 on: 11 Nov 2011, 06:03 »

...Indian, not black. There is a difference.

Last time I checked, black was a colour, not a form of ethnicity.  :wink:

Uh... and last time I checked, black is the colour of Padma's hair, not her skin. If you're going to use that line of argument, it's more accurate to call Africans brown than Indians black...

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Re: WCDT 2051-2055; Nov. 7-11, 2011
« Reply #353 on: 11 Nov 2011, 06:05 »

Marten has totally a duckface on panel 6  :psyduck:


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Re: WCDT 2051-2055; Nov. 7-11, 2011
« Reply #354 on: 11 Nov 2011, 06:07 »

I also have a tough time fathoming why Padma likes Marten at all since she's shown no romantic interest in him until this point.  She's talked about herself only until this comic, and she's immediately bored by Marten's pipe dreams when she finally lets him speak.  If you're going to hook Marten up with someone, at least set it up to be believable!  I have to assume that Padma is very loose when drunk.

She isn't immediately bored. She's actually not bored at all. She initiates the conversation, asks him questions about it, and then clues Marten into the fact that, hey, I may want to kiss you. If you're bored with someone, you tolerate and either try to divert the conversation elsewhere or excuse yourself.

And yeah, Padma has shown interest in Marten before. On the hike, she invited Marten--not Elliott--over to see the view with her, she wanted to dance with Marten, she immediately invited Marten on the hike in the first place...It just hasn't been overt because she doesn't know Marten as well or as long as the other characters, so it was more of a feeling-out process. She's always liked Marten as a new friend, and she probably didn't realize that Marten was interested until his reaction to her news that she was leaving (her facial expressions in those last two panels are obvious). This is the first time we've seen Padma since then, and its only natural that if they're both interested in each other, they do something about it now.

And if you were paying attention to body language, Jeph has been pairing Padma and Marten off with everybody else on the outside since the plane engine dance comic.



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Re: WCDT 2051-2055; Nov. 7-11, 2011
« Reply #355 on: 11 Nov 2011, 06:20 »

...Indian, not black. There is a difference.

Last time I checked, black was a colour, not a form of ethnicity.  :wink:

Uh... and last time I checked, black is the colour of Padma's hair, not her skin. If you're going to use that line of argument, it's more accurate to call Africans brown than Indians black...

That's not my point at all, and it wasn't my choice to use the word "black" in the first place, but my point still stands: You shouldn't use a colour to describe someone's ethinicity. It tends to be seen as offensive.
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Re: WCDT 2051-2055; Nov. 7-11, 2011
« Reply #356 on: 11 Nov 2011, 06:24 »

Secret Wine? What's THAT?

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Manichevitz.    - 1 (1.6%)
Peach Wine. (She's from Georgia, of course.)    - 7 (11.3%)
A grape squeezed into a bottle of Bourbon.    - 13 (21%)
That bottle of Grape juice that's been sitting in the back of the fridge forever.    - 9 (14.5%)
Everclear with blue food coloring.    - 6 (9.7%)
A bottle of red, a bottle of white, whatever fuels your appetite.    - 4 (6.5%)
Something she bought from International Exports Ltd. In Milwaukee.    - 3 (4.8%) <-- Psst! "I'm looking for a Safe House!"
It's so secret even SHE doesn't know.    - 11 (17.7%)
Waffle Wine!    - 4 (6.5%)
MOAR BUTTSSSZZZ!    - 4 (6.5%)

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Re: WCDT 2051-2055; Nov. 7-11, 2011
« Reply #357 on: 11 Nov 2011, 06:38 »

And then Marten woke up.....


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Re: WCDT 2051-2055; Nov. 7-11, 2011
« Reply #358 on: 11 Nov 2011, 06:47 »

it wasn't my choice to use the word "black" in the first place, but my point still stands: You shouldn't use a colour to describe someone's ethinicity. It tends to be seen as offensive.

Virtually any term for ethnicity has been or is found offensive in one place or another at some time or another; I have certainly been in situations where "black" was the preferred word for black Africans.  In any case, Padma is clearly Indian not African, and there is no useful discussion being had around it, so we can best avoid offence by simply letting it be.
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Re: WCDT 2051-2055; Nov. 7-11, 2011
« Reply #359 on: 11 Nov 2011, 06:50 »

First, Yayy Marten! :-D

Second, someone stated how this Marten+Padma+Elliot dynamic is, I assume, no different than the Marten+Faye+Angus dynamic and I have to say I agree. If Padma doesn't see Elliot as anything other than a friend (Faye+Marten), then that's that. Marten+Padma not getting together won't change the Padma+Elliot dynamic.

It's not even close.  Had Marten consoled Angus on his feelings for Faye, got turned down, and then immediately after Angus made out with her, Marten would have the right to be angry about it.  

I also have a tough time fathoming why Padma likes Marten at all since she's shown no romantic interest in him until this point.  She's talked about herself only until this comic, and she's immediately bored by Marten's pipe dreams when she finally lets him speak.  If you're going to hook Marten up with someone, at least set it up to be believable!  I have to assume that Padma is very loose when drunk.

She isn't immediately bored. She's actually not bored at all. She initiates the conversation, asks him questions about it, and then clues Marten into the fact that, hey, I may want to kiss you. If you're bored with someone, you tolerate and either try to divert the conversation elsewhere or excuse yourself.

And yeah, Padma has shown interest in Marten before. On the hike, she invited Marten--not Elliott--over to see the view with her, she wanted to dance with Marten, she immediately invited Marten on the hike in the first place...It just hasn't been overt because she doesn't know Marten as well or as long as the other characters, so it was more of a feeling-out process. She's always liked Marten as a new friend, and she probably didn't realize that Marten was interested until his reaction to her news that she was leaving (her facial expressions in those last two panels are obvious). This is the first time we've seen Padma since then, and its only natural that if they're both interested in each other, they do something about it now.

And if you were paying attention to body language, Jeph has been pairing Padma and Marten off with everybody else on the outside since the plane engine dance comic.

She's bored at what he's talking about, yes.  She just wants to make out because she's drunk and he's looking kind of cute.  She may regret this action later.

The fact that she is just now finding out Martens only interest besides going to small businesses means she has never had a real conversation with him, on screen or off.  If she actually liked Marten, wouldn't she know something about him beforehand?

Marten is a nice guy, that she knows.  All he is to her is an awkward guy that lets her talk about herself and only adds in reassuring comments about everything she says/does.  That is what a nice guy goes.  Multiple times her personality has been a huge turn off to Marten but he ignores it because he has a high school mindset of "ooh, pretty girl, I'll do/say anything.  I'll do all the listening."


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Re: WCDT 2051-2055; Nov. 7-11, 2011
« Reply #360 on: 11 Nov 2011, 06:51 »

it wasn't my choice to use the word "black" in the first place, but my point still stands: You shouldn't use a colour to describe someone's ethinicity. It tends to be seen as offensive.

Virtually any term for ethnicity has been or is found offensive in one place or another at some time or another; I have certainly been in situations where "black" was the preferred word for black Africans.  In any case, Padma is clearly Indian not African, and there is no useful discussion being had around it, so we can best avoid offence by simply letting it be.

Fair enough. I did not mean to start a discussion about it. My apologies.
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Re: WCDT 2051-2055; Nov. 7-11, 2011
« Reply #361 on: 11 Nov 2011, 07:13 »

I should do a secondary poll: "How many pages will this thread be before Monday?" And, "Will it get locked?"

Let's review the tape, shall we?

185 - The "BAM!" and "PUKE" incident; nearest we got to a Marten/Faye Teh Kisses.
564 - Dora's famous "They don't have to be" comment up on the roof.
1079 - "I wish I could push my boundaries like that." (Faye Teh Kisses SVEN!)
1433 - Penelope and Wil making out right in the coffee shop!
1630 - Marigold kisses ANGUS!
1724 - Angus and  Faye: "He's got the tiger by the tail. If we separate them now, she might kill him."
1735 - "Africa." (TEH SMOOCHES!)*
2055 - "You're not boring me."

* - What's funny is, Jeph played this about halfway through the comic live draw feed on Ustream last night...
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Re: WCDT 2051-2055; Nov. 7-11, 2011
« Reply #362 on: 11 Nov 2011, 07:27 »

Looks like Dolly "Parten" finally became a thing!

Get it? Padma + Marten = Parten, Dolly Parton, et al?

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Re: WCDT 2051-2055; Nov. 7-11, 2011
« Reply #363 on: 11 Nov 2011, 07:28 »

Now is when Padma finds Pintsize's fleshlight and Dora's butt drawing under the couch's pillows.  


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Re: WCDT 2051-2055; Nov. 7-11, 2011
« Reply #364 on: 11 Nov 2011, 07:31 »

She's bored at what he's talking about, yes.  She just wants to make out because she's drunk and he's looking kind of cute.  She may regret this action later.

The fact that she is just now finding out Martens only interest besides going to small businesses means she has never had a real conversation with him, on screen or off.  If she actually liked Marten, wouldn't she know something about him beforehand?

Marten is a nice guy, that she knows.  All he is to her is an awkward guy that lets her talk about herself and only adds in reassuring comments about everything she says/does.  That is what a nice guy goes.  Multiple times her personality has been a huge turn off to Marten but he ignores it because he has a high school mindset of "ooh, pretty girl, I'll do/say anything.  I'll do all the listening."

I didn't notice Padma talking a lot, I just figured since she's a new character she needs more filling out than Marten.
But like, what's the biggie if they're both just kinda horny and acting on a superficial spark for fun? If anything, that's the best option.


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Re: WCDT 2051-2055; Nov. 7-11, 2011
« Reply #365 on: 11 Nov 2011, 07:32 »

this was by far one of my favorite comics in a while. Hanners "YELLING" was hilarious, i loved the way that Padma inched closer on the couch every panel and those bubbles! So freaking cute. Oh and- squeeeeeeeee  :-D
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Re: WCDT 2051-2055; Nov. 7-11, 2011
« Reply #366 on: 11 Nov 2011, 07:35 »

Tai : WOO!
Hannelore : YELLING!
Pintsize : BUTTS!!!

If Pintsize doesn't wreck Marten's game, I'll be a very sad panda Chef.

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Re: WCDT 2051-2055; Nov. 7-11, 2011
« Reply #367 on: 11 Nov 2011, 07:42 »

A drunken one night stand right before moving across the country.  Good idea!
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Re: WCDT 2051-2055; Nov. 7-11, 2011
« Reply #368 on: 11 Nov 2011, 07:43 »

I L O V E Padma's red dress. Want!

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Re: WCDT 2051-2055; Nov. 7-11, 2011
« Reply #369 on: 11 Nov 2011, 07:57 »

My reaction to today's strip:

I'm so glad I predicted today's comic incorrectly. However, as good ol' Susan Ivanova in Babylon 5 once said... "No boom today. Boom tomorrow. Always a boom tomorrow."

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Re: WCDT 2051-2055; Nov. 7-11, 2011
« Reply #370 on: 11 Nov 2011, 07:58 »

It's 11-11-11 (or, if you're across the pond, 11-11-11).  Anyone think it's funny that Marten got his wish today?
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Re: WCDT 2051-2055; Nov. 7-11, 2011
« Reply #371 on: 11 Nov 2011, 07:59 »

Yeah, Marten. GET SOME!

Our boy just needs to go in realizing that this may end up being no more than a pity fuck. I'll be in my bunk(er). This place is going to explode on Monday.

*Red text already. Hell of a way to start the weekend.
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Re: WCDT 2051-2055; Nov. 7-11, 2011
« Reply #372 on: 11 Nov 2011, 08:01 »

It's 11-11-11 (or, if you're across the pond, 11-11-11).  Anyone think it's funny that Marten got his wish today?

And the comic went up at only just after 11:11.
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Re: WCDT 2051-2055; Nov. 7-11, 2011
« Reply #373 on: 11 Nov 2011, 08:04 »

It's 11-11-11 (or, if you're across the pond, 11-11-11).  Anyone think it's funny that Marten got his wish today?

And the comic went up at only just after 11:11.

So basically, it requires a cosmic alignment for something to go right for Marten?

*marks 12/12/12 on the calendar*


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Re: WCDT 2051-2055; Nov. 7-11, 2011
« Reply #374 on: 11 Nov 2011, 08:07 »

Cosmic alignment? Perhaps. I'm more inclined to believe he happened to buy a monkey's paw from a gypsy on the way home.


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Re: WCDT 2051-2055; Nov. 7-11, 2011
« Reply #375 on: 11 Nov 2011, 08:38 »

Yeah, Marten. GET SOME!

Our boy just needs to go in realizing that this may end up being no more than a pity fuck. I'll be in my bunk(er). This place is going to explode on Monday.

*Red text already. Hell of a way to start the weekend.

Pity fuck? Nah, Padma just wants to have a little sexy fun before going to live with her sick grandmother, which, I can tell you from experience isn't very conducive to one's sex life.

Also, forgive the meme-ness, but there's only one way to describe my reaction to teh kiss:

aw yeah
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Re: WCDT 2051-2055; Nov. 7-11, 2011
« Reply #376 on: 11 Nov 2011, 08:39 »

ah so the balancing of Marten getting kisses is for him to catch rabies from the good luck charm then?
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Re: WCDT 2051-2055; Nov. 7-11, 2011
« Reply #377 on: 11 Nov 2011, 09:15 »

 :-o :-o :-o  :-o Oh my!  :-o :-o :-o :-o

Could it be that Lady Luck's human target is finally getting a break from bad luck? Well I'll be damned.

Sure, there might (and most surely WILL) be some consequences, probably some bad ones, but still, I gotta say.. Hell Yeah, Marten!
But then again, playing safe and hasn't worked that well either for Marty. Atleast this way, there's some light in between teh drama and teh usual superbad luck.  :roll:

I'm so glad I predicted today's comic incorrectly. However, as good ol' Susan Ivanova in Babylon 5 once said... "No boom today. Boom tomorrow. Always a boom tomorrow."

What a delightfully great quote. You win the internets for that.  *tips tophat, bows deeply and grins *

Let's hope that Lady Luck will continue smiling on our (usually very unlucky) protagonist. (I know I am, atleast...)
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Re: WCDT 2051-2055; Nov. 7-11, 2011
« Reply #378 on: 11 Nov 2011, 09:26 »

Luck ain't a lady in QC. It's a man with a pipe and an attitude.
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Re: WCDT 2051-2055; Nov. 7-11, 2011
« Reply #379 on: 11 Nov 2011, 09:27 »

She's bored at what he's talking about, yes.  She just wants to make out because she's drunk and he's looking kind of cute.  She may regret this action later.

The fact that she is just now finding out Martens only interest besides going to small businesses means she has never had a real conversation with him, on screen or off.  If she actually liked Marten, wouldn't she know something about him beforehand?

Marten is a nice guy, that she knows.  All he is to her is an awkward guy that lets her talk about herself and only adds in reassuring comments about everything she says/does.  That is what a nice guy goes.  Multiple times her personality has been a huge turn off to Marten but he ignores it because he has a high school mindset of "ooh, pretty girl, I'll do/say anything.  I'll do all the listening."

I didn't notice Padma talking a lot, I just figured since she's a new character she needs more filling out than Marten.
But like, what's the biggie if they're both just kinda horny and acting on a superficial spark for fun? If anything, that's the best option.

Because Marten will be mopey and depressed when she leaves.  If he was like Steve/old Sven and could jump to a new girl without being sad, then sure.  


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Re: WCDT 2051-2055; Nov. 7-11, 2011
« Reply #380 on: 11 Nov 2011, 09:47 »

I think it's fair to assume that Marten will be mopey and depressed after Padma leaves no matter what happens; that's kinda how he is. But right now, he's lonely, she's showing interest, they're not that drunk (they're not acting like they're impaired and their drunk bubbles are small) and there's nobody in the way (sorry, but Elliot had plenty of chances and blew it; for all practical purposes, he's out of the picture), so why shouldn't they have a little fun?
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Re: WCDT 2051-2055; Nov. 7-11, 2011
« Reply #381 on: 11 Nov 2011, 10:09 »

Just a remionder; 

Sloppy makeouts =/= relationship

Sloppy makeouts =/= pity fuck

Hell, Sloppy makeouts =/= sexy times, even! 

So far, it is what it is; two peeples having some goods time togethers.  I know there's fun in prognosticating, but remember; where it goes from here is up to Jeph! 
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Re: WCDT 2051-2055; Nov. 7-11, 2011
« Reply #382 on: 11 Nov 2011, 10:14 »

First, Yayy Marten! :-D

Second, someone stated how this Marten+Padma+Elliot dynamic is, I assume, no different than the Marten+Faye+Angus dynamic and I have to say I agree. If Padma doesn't see Elliot as anything other than a friend (Faye+Marten), then that's that. Marten+Padma not getting together won't change the Padma+Elliot dynamic.

It's not even close.  Had Marten consoled Angus on his feelings for Faye, got turned down, and then immediately after Angus made out with her, Marten would have the right to be angry about it.  

While the situations were different, the similarities are important because emotions don’t see the details. Which is why Marten was upset when Faye told him she didn’t want to string Angus along, which is exactly what she did to Marten. Everything goes back to, “why did you treat me different.”
Also, when Faye rejected Marten, Dora stepped right in. The only difference there is that Dora didn't mention anything to Faye--her friend--at all beforehand, and that personal guilt wound up hurting their relationship, despite everybody else being okay with it. Marten, unintentionally, cleared the way for himself by telling Elliot he should tell Padma his feelings. Padma rejected him (and that wasn’t preordained), and while Padma and Marten starting something will make it awkward, Elliot has no right to be angry. He doesn’t own Padma, and Padma was honest with him. Marten didn’t do anything before Padma rejected Elliot, and unless you’re saying it’s better for Elliot to still have his unrequited crush on Padma with her with Marten (which would need an explanation), I don’t see where Marten did anything wrong.

The start of any new relationship causes collateral damage. You just have to hope that people are adult enough to deal with it.

I also have a tough time fathoming why Padma likes Marten at all since she's shown no romantic interest in him until this point.  She's talked about herself only until this comic, and she's immediately bored by Marten's pipe dreams when she finally lets him speak.  If you're going to hook Marten up with someone, at least set it up to be believable!  I have to assume that Padma is very loose when drunk.

She isn't immediately bored. She's actually not bored at all. She initiates the conversation, asks him questions about it, and then clues Marten into the fact that, hey, I may want to kiss you. If you're bored with someone, you tolerate and either try to divert the conversation elsewhere or excuse yourself.

And yeah, Padma has shown interest in Marten before. On the hike, she invited Marten--not Elliott--over to see the view with her, she wanted to dance with Marten, she immediately invited Marten on the hike in the first place...It just hasn't been overt because she doesn't know Marten as well or as long as the other characters, so it was more of a feeling-out process. She's always liked Marten as a new friend, and she probably didn't realize that Marten was interested until his reaction to her news that she was leaving (her facial expressions in those last two panels are obvious). This is the first time we've seen Padma since then, and its only natural that if they're both interested in each other, they do something about it now.

And if you were paying attention to body language, Jeph has been pairing Padma and Marten off with everybody else on the outside since the plane engine dance comic.

She's bored at what he's talking about, yes.  She just wants to make out because she's drunk and he's looking kind of cute.  She may regret this action later.

The fact that she is just now finding out Martens only interest besides going to small businesses means she has never had a real conversation with him, on screen or off.  If she actually liked Marten, wouldn't she know something about him beforehand?

Marten is a nice guy, that she knows.  All he is to her is an awkward guy that lets her talk about herself and only adds in reassuring comments about everything she says/does.  That is what a nice guy goes.  Multiple times her personality has been a huge turn off to Marten but he ignores it because he has a high school mindset of "ooh, pretty girl, I'll do/say anything.  I'll do all the listening."

No, she's not bored. As I already pointed out, she's actively engaged in the conversation and she shows no sign of not being interested, vocal or in body language. The only panel that can be even remotely interpreted as Padma being bored is the second to last one, and if your interpretation of that panel is "boredom," then you gotta be dead.

Also, Marten wasn't "telling her his hopes and dreams"; he was making small talk about his band, the one that Padma just asked about. In fact, this is how most of their interactions have been to this point--mostly joking, talking a bit, Padma apologizing for whatever unintentional damage she just caused, getting to know each other's personalities a bit more. There has been very little to zero indepth personal discussion between the two, outside of the reasons why Padma is moving back home, which just occurred back the last time they saw each other, which also was the first time Padma probably even knew Marten was interested. The idea that Padma's done nothing but talk about herself doesn't hold water with me at all, so the whole "nice guy" thing is something I simply don't agree with at the least. Especially since Marten's been interested in Padma for a while now.

This is how many people start relationships with new people...they meet, become friendly with one another, hit it off, and if they get a little drunk, there's liplock. A bridge has been crossed, the mutual attraction has been acknowledged, and then a dating relationship follows. Most people I know don't stalk or do a complete background check on somebody they're interested in.


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Re: WCDT 2051-2055; Nov. 7-11, 2011
« Reply #383 on: 11 Nov 2011, 10:29 »

All I can say is: took. Long. Enough.

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Re: WCDT 2051-2055; Nov. 7-11, 2011
« Reply #384 on: 11 Nov 2011, 10:38 »



Today's comic made me smile.  I can only hope that there won't be too terrible of an awful-realization hangover aftermath/beatdown from Elliott.
You know, they tell you, "Never hit a man with a closed fist," but it is, on occasion, hilarious.


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Re: WCDT 2051-2055; Nov. 7-11, 2011
« Reply #385 on: 11 Nov 2011, 11:01 »

As Dora said: "[relationships] don't have to be [complicated]".
Ahah. Ahahahahahaha. Oh, man…

Looking at both what followed that statement and all the 'fat' posters in this thread… Oh, god, you're killing me!

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Re: WCDT 2051-2055; Nov. 7-11, 2011
« Reply #386 on: 11 Nov 2011, 11:12 »

Doomed love...


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Re: WCDT 2051-2055; Nov. 7-11, 2011
« Reply #387 on: 11 Nov 2011, 11:23 »

First, Yayy Marten! :-D

Second, someone stated how this Marten+Padma+Elliot dynamic is, I assume, no different than the Marten+Faye+Angus dynamic and I have to say I agree. If Padma doesn't see Elliot as anything other than a friend (Faye+Marten), then that's that. Marten+Padma not getting together won't change the Padma+Elliot dynamic.
It's not even close.  Had Marten consoled Angus on his feelings for Faye, got turned down, and then immediately after Angus made out with her, Marten would have the right to be angry about it.
I would not go that far.  That's dangerously close to saying Faye was obligated to give Marten a chance, and I remember a certain someone that held a similar position about Angus with Marigold while I still just lurking here.  I'm sure I can't be the only person who remembers the fallout from that.  Regardless, as a rule what two consenting adults do together is their own business and nobody elses.  However, as a rule other adults around them do not have an obligation be happy about it either, and because Marten and Padma's relationship is pretty much doomed from the start there's no reason to complicate a nice guy's mental state over it.

Somehow, I think Marten's character would be sad to see Padma go, but mature enough to understand a last-night-in-town, no-strings-attached mentality (if that is what Padma's up to). And Marten seems centered enough not to follow her all the way out to the west coast; that was barely-out-of-college-kid behavior.  
I have to disagree.  This is Marten we're talking about, not Steve or (pre-reformed*) Sven.  I just can't see Marten doing a one-night stand, at least not without agonizing over it afterwards.

Marten's setting himself up for a huge fall IMHO, [...]
Possible, but not automatically so. Padma could decide she wants to stay now. Or grandma could die before Padma actually moves. Etc.
Yes, Padma could change her mind, but honestly should she?  Obviously, Padma's ties with her grandmother are very strong.  Changing major plans in order to pursue a relationship with a guy she barely knows is hardly the wisest course of action.  And right now, her grandmother is still alive (at least to Padma's knowledge, or so I would hope).  Making a move on a girl in the hopes that her grandmother will croak in the next couple of days sounds too much like betting on disaster for my tastes.  It's one thing if Marten kept things open in case Padma's grandmother did pass away or if Padma changed her mind for other reasons, but right now he's digging himself a hole that he won't be able to get out of on his own without a dose of good (or maybe bad) luck on his side.

Actually, I should probably say that Marten and Padma are digging themselves a hole, as it seems to be a mutual thing there.  However, the gods weren't as kind to Padma as they were to Hannelore when it came to giving people the gift of foresight, so I'm hardly surprised that she hasn't thought this through.

*Okay, so maybe Sven is only mostly reformed. :psyduck:
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Re: WCDT 2051-2055; Nov. 7-11, 2011
« Reply #388 on: 11 Nov 2011, 11:28 »

These characters are fictional! Not even ink on a page (unless you ordered one of the volumes) -- they're pixels on the Internet! Not! Real!
And yet, I was still thinking "Go Marty!"   :lol:  :-D   :laugh:
That's your part of the artist/audience dance. Works of art are supposed to engage your emotions.
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Re: WCDT 2051-2055; Nov. 7-11, 2011
« Reply #389 on: 11 Nov 2011, 11:47 »

YAAY! A Fling! Flings are fun. Enjoy yourselves and be safe, kids.

Personally I've figured Padma had a thing for Marten for a while, based on how she came to him for comfort/reassurance after she nearly got blown off the cliff. An instinctive move like that is very telling.


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Re: WCDT 2051-2055; Nov. 7-11, 2011
« Reply #390 on: 11 Nov 2011, 11:48 »

Now all we have to do is to wait for the other shoe to drop.
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Re: WCDT 2051-2055; Nov. 7-11, 2011
« Reply #391 on: 11 Nov 2011, 12:13 »

As I was scrolling slowly as I read, I thought the last few panels would play out differently

Marten : mentions Amir
Padma dramatically changes attitude and says "not my douchenozzle brother (or cousin or whatever) Amir?!"
Marten: Buh, wha...

I'm genuinely surprised and pleased that Marten actually caught a break.

Well played, Jeph


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Re: WCDT 2051-2055; Nov. 7-11, 2011
« Reply #392 on: 11 Nov 2011, 12:29 »

Just a remionder; 

Sloppy makeouts =/= relationship

Sloppy makeouts =/= pity fuck

Hell, Sloppy makeouts =/= sexy times, even! 

So far, it is what it is; two peeples having some goods time togethers.  I know there's fun in prognosticating, but remember; where it goes from here is up to Jeph! 

and not only are they sloppy makeouts, but drunken makeouts. Still, hopefully it's at least a sign that Marten is over Dora.


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Re: WCDT 2051-2055; Nov. 7-11, 2011
« Reply #393 on: 11 Nov 2011, 12:36 »

Uhm... I don't know whether someone already asked this, but I cannot quite make out* who started the kiss. Any clues on that?

*pun not intended
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Re: WCDT 2051-2055; Nov. 7-11, 2011
« Reply #394 on: 11 Nov 2011, 12:38 »

Is it even ethnically possible for Amir to be related to Padma? I dimly remember some information going by about Amir's heritage, but it never made it into the wiki.
Thank you, Dr. Karikó.


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Re: WCDT 2051-2055; Nov. 7-11, 2011
« Reply #395 on: 11 Nov 2011, 12:39 »

Occurs to me, What's Padma's social life usually like, when her first concern is that someone might draw genitalia on her face while she's asleep?
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Re: WCDT 2051-2055; Nov. 7-11, 2011
« Reply #396 on: 11 Nov 2011, 12:54 »

Today's installment made me come back over here after a lomg timeout, just to see what mushroom cloud would result out of today's installment.

The result is not disappointing.

I cannot quite make out* who started the kiss. Any clues on that?
Take a look at how Padma inches closer to Marten in each panel.
She's probably picked up his previous signals, and is now (with the help of a bit of intoxication) ready to act on them... but it was already evident that she genuinely liked him being around. She just has some handicap when it comes to conveying her emotions (as in, she's great at giving off mixed signals because her mouth is usually ahead of her brain).

It'll be *very* interesting to see how Jeph will develop this.
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Re: WCDT 2051-2055; Nov. 7-11, 2011
« Reply #397 on: 11 Nov 2011, 13:00 »

Occurs to me, What's Padma's social life usually like, when her first concern is that someone might draw genitalia on her face while she's asleep?

I had the same thought.  Apparantly, it must be something like Jeph's - I seem to remember some such occurance being reported from a con...

But yeah, probably the last  thing I'd think of doing to a pretty woman. 

Unless she were my sister, or something...
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Re: WCDT 2051-2055; Nov. 7-11, 2011
« Reply #398 on: 11 Nov 2011, 13:13 »

Occurs to me, What's Padma's social life usually like, when her first concern is that someone might draw genitalia on her face while she's asleep?

I had the same thought. 

I read it as a joke, with an underlying hint... as in "just as long as you don't do *that* to me, I'm ok with what you *will* do".

Does that make sense?
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Re: WCDT 2051-2055; Nov. 7-11, 2011
« Reply #399 on: 11 Nov 2011, 13:20 »

I'm so glad I predicted today's comic incorrectly. However, as good ol' Susan Ivanova in Babylon 5 once said... "No boom today. Boom tomorrow. Always a boom tomorrow."

What a delightfully great quote. You win the internets for that.  *tips tophat, bows deeply and grins *

Let's hope that Lady Luck will continue smiling on our (usually very unlucky) protagonist. (I know I am, atleast...)

Why, thank you. I can only take credit for remembering such delightfully dour Russian quote.

And remember, it's not cynical, it's realistic!

/2nd Babylond 5 reference on QC in a day

Is it even ethnically possible for Amir to be related to Padma? I dimly remember some information going by about Amir's heritage, but it never made it into the wiki.

Ethnically impossible. Amir is an Arabic/Hebraic name, Padma is distinctly Sanskrit, related to the lotus flower and an aspect of the Hindu Great Goddess
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