• 14 Mar 2025, 09:07
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Bear with me folks, I've only done this once before: What was the MOMENT OF THE WEEK??

"About last night...I was drunk, but I totally meant it."
- 1 (0.7%)
"I'm super into you. The whole shebang. Massive crush. Barfin' butterflies."
- 11 (8.1%)
"If it doesn't work out, hey, it happens. I wanna give it a try."
- 1 (0.7%)
"So, uh-* *SMOOOOOCH* :-D
- 16 (11.8%)
Tai and Dora practice the call of the domesticated Marten
- 4 (2.9%)
"Is this normally what happens when people kiss?"
- 1 (0.7%)
"I hope not...I've been doing wrong this whole time"
- 3 (2.2%)
POWER HUG! (and a bruised sternum)
- 10 (7.4%)
"You promise you're okay with this?" "I promise. I'm happy for you guys"
- 0 (0%)
"Good...Right now I would happily sacrifice our friendship for more Dora-kisses"
- 5 (3.7%)
Marten appreciates brutal honesty
- 1 (0.7%)
"You're ok with this?" (again)
- 0 (0%)
- 6 (4.4%)
"I don't believe in altruism. You must have an angle." "I like seeing my friends happy."
- 1 (0.7%)
"It would make ME happy if you have me a hundred bucks." "Who says we're friends?" (burn)
- 4 (2.9%)
"WE'RE friends" (double burn)
- 14 (10.3%)
"Do you have a belly button?"
- 5 (3.7%)
"Of COURSE I-" *checks* "Yes, I do."
- 13 (9.6%)
- 4 (2.9%)
ANIMATED BOOP! (Emily will rule this comic)
- 36 (26.5%)

Total Members Voted: 58

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Author Topic: WCDT: 2246-2250 (August 6-10 2012) Weekly Comic Discussion Thread  (Read 104661 times)


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Yeah if Jeph set up a small thing where you could set up your own color cycle and have it switch, i would probably spend days on it.
"Coming out of my cage and i've been doing just fine"


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Unless your name is Clinton. In which case, say goodbye to your shoes.


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You may not be ready to read this yet.

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No, it's the eyes, too.

...dude, you're right, I didn't even notice until you pointed it out.  And here I thought that other quote was setup for a pervy joke.

Omega Entity

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And only after reading the comments did I realize that panel 3 was Momo thinking "Holy mackeral, I actually DO have a belly button! I never noticed that before!"
I thought it was more a look of surprise as a never-before realization came to her -  "...wait a minute!  There's no useful reason I should have a belly button.  DO i have a belly button?  I have no idea!"

Definitely the way I took it.


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I wonder if this was a Dr Slump reference or just coincidence


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Bear with me folks, I've only done this once before: What was the MOMENT OF THE WEEK??

"About last night...I was drunk, but I totally meant it."    1 (1.4%)
"I'm super into you. The whole shebang. Massive crush. Barfin' butterflies."    5 (6.8%)
"If it doesn't work out, hey, it happens. I wanna give it a try."    0 (0%)
"So, uh-* *SMOOOOOCH* :-D    5 (6.8%)
Tai and Dora practice the call of the domesticated Marten    3 (4.1%)
"Is this normally what happens when people kiss?"    0 (0%)
"I hope not...I've been doing wrong this whole time"    1 (1.4%)
POWER HUG! (and a bruised sternum)    4 (5.5%)
"You promise you're okay with this?" "I promise. I'm happy for you guys"    0 (0%)
"Good...Right now I would happily sacrifice our friendship for more Dora-kisses"    2 (2.7%)
Marten appreciates brutal honesty    1 (1.4%)
"You're ok with this?" (again)    0 (0%)
"I don't believe in altruism. You must have an angle." "I like seeing my friends happy."    1 (1.4%)
"It would make ME happy if you have me a hundred bucks." "Who says we're friends?" (burn)    1 (1.4%)
"WE'RE friends" (double burn)    9 (12.3%)
"Do you have a belly button?"    4 (5.5%)
"Of COURSE I-" *checks* "Yes, I do."    5 (6.8%)
BOOP!    2 (2.7%)
ANIMATED BOOP! (Emily will rule this comic)    26 (35.6%)

Total Members Voted: 36
"Character is what you are in the Dark." - D.L. Moody
There is no joke that can be made online without someone being offended by it.
Life's too short to be ashamed of how you were born.
Just another Joe like 46


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#FF288E (Medium Violet-Red)
#8628FF (Violet Blue)
#2C69FE (Light Blue)
#2CFEF4 (Turquoise)
#2CED28 (Lime Green)
#E7FE2C (Yellow-Green)
#FF822C (Chocolate)
#FD2C2C (Fire-Brick)

"Character is what you are in the Dark." - D.L. Moody
There is no joke that can be made online without someone being offended by it.
Life's too short to be ashamed of how you were born.
Just another Joe like 46


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She should stick with th violet blue. Also, did anyone else notice it changed her eyes to match?
"I have been asked, 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question." - Charles Babbage


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I, for one, can't wait.
Well said, Mr Cosell.


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#FF288E (Medium Violet-Red)
#8628FF (Violet Blue)
#2C69FE (Light Blue)
#2CFEF4 (Turquoise)
#2CED28 (Lime Green)
#E7FE2C (Yellow-Green)
#FF822C (Chocolate)
#FD2C2C (Fire-Brick)

...I have never before seen orange chocolate.


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#FF288E (Medium Violet-Red)
#8628FF (Violet Blue)
#2C69FE (Light Blue)
#2CFEF4 (Turquoise)
#2CED28 (Lime Green)
#E7FE2C (Yellow-Green)
#FF822C (Chocolate)
#FD2C2C (Fire-Brick)

...I have never before seen orange chocolate.

More like Chiyocolate



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I'm just giving the colors that WhatColor gave me. I'm just a poor fool with Deuteranopia.
"Character is what you are in the Dark." - D.L. Moody
There is no joke that can be made online without someone being offended by it.
Life's too short to be ashamed of how you were born.
Just another Joe like 46

Mad Cat

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When does the electro-dynamic-stunning defense system kick in versus an attack like this?
The Quakers were masters of siege warfare.

Is it cold in here?

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Everything points to it being under voluntary control. If you'd had that much trouble finding a job in the first place, you'd probably consider it a last resort to taser a coworker.
Thank you, Dr. Karikó.


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Though an argument could be made for Emily is harassing her and that Momo is defending herself...with a shoe blasting taser blast...

Never said it was a good argument.  :-P

Is it cold in here?

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Once Momo has emphatically said "Stop it" and Emily continued, it's a pretty good argument.
Thank you, Dr. Karikó.


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Given what we've seen of Emily, it would probably take a megawatt blast to make her even pay attention, and even then she'd probably go back to "booping" Momo's belly button.


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Or possibly enjoy it, for what we know.
“Oh yes, it hurts at times to be alone among the stars. But it hurts a lot more to be alone at a party. A lot more.” - George R. R. Martin

Is it cold in here?

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Hannerdad believes it's possible for a person to be a "secret robot".

He's crazy, we know, but what if there are AnthroPCs impersonating humans?

They'd misunderstand common situations, break implicit social rules, and be interested in unexpected things.

Like banana smoothies, for example. Is Emily a secret robot?

Of course not, but it could be entertaining speculation.
Thank you, Dr. Karikó.


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Completely irrelevant, and I know it's been mentioned before and even noted by Jeph, but Emily's sporting quite an overbite in this strip.

Also, does her face in panel 6 terrify anyone else?
I'm witty, right?


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From a purely artistic POV, but in some panels, Momo looks to be underage. Maybe it's just because Emily is a big girl and the scale is all fuxxorz.


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From a purely artistic POV, but in some panels, Momo looks to be underage. Maybe it's just because Emily is a big girl and the scale is all fuxxorz.

Momo's chassis doesn't have much, um... build to it. If her appearance could be compared to a human of same size and build, I'd guess to say a tallish 15-year-old or so.
Just because I'm evil, doesn't mean I'm a bad person.


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Actually, IIRC, she was shown to be the same size and similar build as Samantha, who is 13.
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