Bear with me folks, I've only done this once before: What was the MOMENT OF THE WEEK??"About last night...I was drunk, but I totally meant it." 1 (1.4%)
"I'm super into you. The whole shebang. Massive crush.
Barfin' butterflies." 5 (6.8%)
"If it doesn't work out, hey, it happens. I wanna give it a try." 0 (0%)
"So, uh-* *SMOOOOOCH*

5 (6.8%)
Tai and Dora practice the call of the domesticated Marten 3 (4.1%)
"Is this normally what happens when people kiss?" 0 (0%)
"I hope not...I've been doing wrong this whole time" 1 (1.4%)
POWER HUG! (and a bruised sternum) 4 (5.5%)
"You promise you're okay with this?" "I promise. I'm happy for you guys" 0 (0%)
"Good...Right now I would happily sacrifice our friendship for more Dora-kisses" 2 (2.7%)
Marten appreciates brutal honesty 1 (1.4%)
"You're ok with this?" (again) 0 (0%)
"I don't believe in altruism. You must have an angle." "I like seeing my friends happy." 1 (1.4%)
"It would make ME happy if you have me a hundred bucks." "Who says we're friends?" (burn) 1 (1.4%)
"WE'RE friends" (double burn) 9 (12.3%)
"Do you have a belly button?" 4 (5.5%)
"Of COURSE I-" *checks* "Yes, I do." 5 (6.8%)
BOOP! 2 (2.7%)
ANIMATED BOOP! (Emily will rule this comic) 26 (35.6%) Total Members Voted: 36