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What music should Dora put on for the inevitable bloody reckoning that is to come?

Something up beat and poppy! You can't spell "slaughter" without "laughter" after all!
- 12 (18.5%)
Slayer. Why is this even a question?
- 28 (43.1%)
New Age Spathe Ham Electronica
- 4 (6.2%)
Dubstep, Drop the bass and dropkick someone's soul.
- 8 (12.3%)
I would tell you what band I'd go on a rampage to, but you'd have never heard of them. Pleb.
- 8 (12.3%)
Dora should just calm down and visualize whirled peas till she feels better.
- 5 (7.7%)

Total Members Voted: 62

Voting closed: 30 Aug 2014, 02:49

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Author Topic: WCDT: 2776-2780 (25-29 August 2014) Weekly Comic Discussion Thread  (Read 94110 times)


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In real life, things just happen without necessarily being planned. But in QC, I guess things (mostly) happens for a reason, as part of some long term story line or character development. I am just struggling to understand the purpose of the current arc. Sven is portrayed as way more self-centered and socially inept than before, and Dora's reaction is strange, to say the least.

This could be part of Jeph's plan to get rid of Sven (and Angus?) permanently, but I have the feeling this is not the case. There is bound to be some shakeup in the Faye/Marten/Dora department. I guess Tai (and Emily?) will also be involved soon. Veronica and Hanners may be called upon to re-install order.

Has Marten's change of deodorant some deeper significance? Dora is sensitive to odors, and has earlier commented on Tai smelling like Marten, because Tai (and Faye) borrowed Marten's deodorant.


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I had to google New Rocks. I was thinking: "Is that some breakfast cereal that I've never heard of?"

I think with Sven, he was always pretty much of a douche, if judged by real-world standards, but back in the day, it was treated a bit like Faye's cartoon violence from roughly the same period in QC. Nowadays, Faye doesn't punch people or throw them across the room, Sven comes off like a creep, and Dora's rather reacting the way people might to a family member who isn't very nice.
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Been there, done that

'course, it was two pages ago, and halfway 'round the world.   :wink:
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I think with Sven, he was always pretty much of a douche, if judged by real-world standards, but back in the day, it was treated a bit like Faye's cartoon violence from roughly the same period in QC. Nowadays, Faye doesn't punch people or throw them across the room, Sven comes off like a creep, and Dora's rather reacting the way people might to a family member who isn't very nice.

That's a good point.  Once you really start thinking about it, QC has been shifting towards more realism, and has done so slowly enough that it wasn't obvious.


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As sad as it is to say, they might both be doing exactly what they need to to be able to move on.

The way I interpret Sven, he's been holding a candle out for Faye for a long time. Its been eating him, the pain and confusion from it keeping him from acting like he used to, no sex in months, things like that. I'm not saying that isn't a good thing, it led to more acceptable behavior, but while that kind of personal entropy can be healthy for awhile; if there is never -closure- to it, it can become just as unhealthy if not worse. Was it at the worst possible time? It really was, but life seldom happens when we'd like it to. It was something he needed to say to be able to move forward in his life. Sven's projected expectations for the outcome of the conversation weren't reasonable but I don't believe he's unaware enough to know that, he needed to hear it to solve the dichotomy between the knowledge that he'd never get back with Faye, and the hope that there was a way.

Sven's douchiness is part of his persona, as a sufferer of severe depression, even when I'm feeling truly terrible I'll still project  a happy face, I've had friends for years that still can't believe I'm depressed because that smile is my armor from it, a personality I can hide behind. I see, or at least hope I see that in Sven. Being a douche is what he knows how to be, he makes his living being a douche. Douchebaggery is something he can throw on over everything else so he can at least have that level of control when the rest of life is out of it.

He also might just be a total butt, but I truly hope this is just part of his road to recovery.  I like Sven in a totally unreasonable fashion.

Dora isn't wrong to be distancing herself, she has too much on her plate to deal with Sven. With her own relationships and workload having a random drama factor with the magnitude on her life that her brother has is terrifying. Its like hearing your GM rolling an extra D20 from time to time and knowing if it lands on 1 SUDDENLY SVENPOCALYPSE. It is hard to function knowing that something like that can come swinging in. Cutting that out could be healthy for her. By making the choice she has that much more control over her life, which isn't a bad thing. It only becomes a bad thing if the behavior goes to an extreme, and she starts abusing that means of keeping order. Everything in balance.

I think it might be healthier for Sven, too, not just in the wake up call type of way(Though that is a factor too.) I don't recall Dora and Sven having a lot of positive interaction, and if Sven really is going to move forward I think he needs positive interaction. Negatives will convey something is wrong, but aren't a replacement for real empathetic guidance.

I could probably flesh out my opinions more, but I already feel kind of rambly. Thanks for reading.


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Quote from: Dora in QC 2778, Panel 4
She's also the one place in my life WITHOUT crazy drama right now.
I'm genuinely confused... I guess I don't remember enough storylines, (or maybe it's the compressed timelines vs real life) to know what all the drama is that Dora's referring to.
* She hired Dale and CoD seems to be doing ok(?).
* This Sven thing kinda came out of nowhere, but sure, for her it's a thing.
Anyone wanna help me remember what else is going on that fits in the "my life is filled with crazy drama" category?



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Dora's life consists of Her home and psycho cat, her circle of friends, her family both of which are involved in the drama bomb. Her work, which is where the drama bomb was dropped and where her friends work. And Tai.  So yeah, in one fell swoop Sven hit her with a lot of crazy drama. Remember that her issues come, indirectly or directly, from growing up with Sven and are bad enough to ruin her relationships and need to seek therapy. Whether it's fair or reasonable, she is seeing Sven as the #1 source of her problems. So it's not all that surprising that she wants to distance herself from what she sees as the source of her pain.

I don't think that's going to work out the way she wants it to. But she's often shown that she is her own worst enemy. And that she rarely acknowledges that fact.


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* She hired Dale and CoD seems to be doing ok(?).
* This Sven thing kinda came out of nowhere, but sure, for her it's a thing.
Anyone wanna help me remember what else is going on that fits in the "my life is filled with crazy drama" category?

I imagine that because Dora is self employed and a small business owner, a lot of the time she's not at work, she's still working - taxes, employee wages, insurance for the staff and business, ordering and sorting supplies, doing the books, advertising, generally keeping the business afloat. It's previously been shown that running CoD can be somewhat stressful for Dora (like the time she thought she has in the hole but turns out she just did the maths wrong).

The Sven thing didn't really come out of nowhere, as it's been said several times throughout the comic that Dora felt inferior to Sven and she does have some issues with him, given that during one of her first therapy sessions she spent 45 minutes talking about Sven. There's also the realisation that despite every success he's had, Dora is certain that deep down he hates himself. Which might have a negative effect on his relationship with friends and family.


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Hey all, I'm new here, just registered to say this:

Am I crazy or does Dora take everything Sven does to other people weirdly personally?

I mean, I know Dora is supposed to be kind of a controlling person, but for this entire story-arc she's acting as if Sven's behavior is somehow directed at her. Faye pretty much swatted him aside like a normal person and dealt with her feelings in an evening, meanwhile Dora seems insistent on turning this into a drama bomb with herself at the center.


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Hey all, I'm new here, just registered to say this:

Am I crazy or does Dora take everything Sven does to other people weirdly personally?

You are not crazy to think that.
You may be slightly crazy for hanging out with us, though ;)
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Faye pretty much swatted him aside like a normal person and dealt with her feelings in an evening, meanwhile Dora seems insistent on turning this into a drama bomb with herself at the center.

Faye's relationship with Sven was a few nights in bed with him, purely physical attraction and any chance of mutual respect  and trust blown out of the water by Sven's fling with someone else; Dora has had sibling rivalry and jealousy over Sven getting everything too easily for the whole of her life.

And while she could just be snarky and sarcastic about Sven's latest conquest of some random woman, it's different when he's apparently messing irresponsibly with somebody who's a good friend of hers.
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OK, so I can honestly say how I want this arc to end: With Sven moving away. 

Pick another city to move to and go.  Portland, Austin, Murfreesboro.  Doesn't matter.  Move and be done with it.  And I want it to just be him getting the news about Dora, doing the two finger kiss, and saying "peace, bitches" and that's it.


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Hey all, I'm new here, just registered to say this:

Am I crazy or does Dora take everything Sven does to other people weirdly personally?

I mean, I know Dora is supposed to be kind of a controlling person, but for this entire story-arc she's acting as if Sven's behavior is somehow directed at her. Faye pretty much swatted him aside like a normal person and dealt with her feelings in an evening, meanwhile Dora seems insistent on turning this into a drama bomb with herself at the center.

Actually, I didn't really think about it, but this is kind of reminiscent to when she first found out about Faye and Sven. (1, 2). Except a bit more extreme and a bit less shrieky (so far).

OK, so I can honestly say how I want this arc to end: With Sven moving away. 

Pick another city to move to and go.  Portland, Austin, Murfreesboro.  Doesn't matter.  Move and be done with it.  And I want it to just be him getting the news about Dora, doing the two finger kiss, and saying "peace, bitches" and that's it.

Maybe not Portland.
« Last Edit: 28 Aug 2014, 12:55 by Smallest »


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But...I live in Portland. Portland is cool. We do have a lot of hipsters though...
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Yeah, but you guys just grind them up into chum and sell them to the fisheries anyway.


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The problem is an oversupply. The fish can only eat so fast!
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Wouldn't that lead to ... Lessee ... Tragically Hip Fish Disease?
(It's like Mad Cow Disease, except, fssshhh, you've never heard of it.)
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Remember, there is no effective chelation therapy for Flannel. Eat responsibly.


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I wonder if it was a gift from Claire?
James The Kugai 

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  • Posts: 62 because she and Marten have drama going on (awkwardness? tension? whatever?) he's somehow a better option to talk about this?
I just shake my head at how Marten seems to be considered 'safe' for discussions that he really doesn't want to have.  (Thinking of Tai here)
I wonder if its because he's perceived as such an invertebrate that nobody can imagine him finding the volition to violate their trust.


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In real life, things just happen without necessarily being planned. But in QC, I guess things (mostly) happens for a reason, as part of some long term story line or character development. I am just struggling to understand the purpose of the current arc. Sven is portrayed as way more self-centered and socially inept than before, and Dora's reaction is strange, to say the least.

This could be part of Jeph's plan to get rid of Sven (and Angus?) permanently, but I have the feeling this is not the case. There is bound to be some shakeup in the Faye/Marten/Dora department. I guess Tai (and Emily?) will also be involved soon. Veronica and Hanners may be called upon to re-install order.

Has Marten's change of deodorant some deeper significance? Dora is sensitive to odors, and has earlier commented on Tai smelling like Marten, because Tai (and Faye) borrowed Marten's deodorant.
I don't really bother trying to second guess Jeph any more.  I usually ask, "What would I do if this were my plot?" but then I remember, "Pintsize would have never occurred to me and would by now have been relegated to the most minor of characters."  I suspect he's just throwing spaghetti at the wall on a bi-weekly basis, and whatever seems to stick hangs around.  It seems pretty apparent that this is supposed to be a bad idea on Dora's part "I don't feel good about this"..."Don't tell Faye.." but how that will manifest itself is unclear.  The most logical outcome is that she and Sven become estranged over this, and its one of those family things where two people don't talk without any clear idea why after the first year.  But thats not a very explosive plot.  She could alienate her parents "What did Sven do?"  "He slept with one of my friends, and then a few months later told her he loved her when she had a boyfriend."    "..... all that then?" but thats similarly yawntastic.  From there its likely we'll have a Dora/Faye or Dora/Tai fireworks display, possibly with somebody mad at Marten because... well, Marten spelled backwards IS Job.


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Faye's relationship with Sven was a few nights in bed with him, purely physical attraction and any chance of mutual respect  and trust blown out of the water by Sven's fling with someone else; Dora has had sibling rivalry and jealousy over Sven getting everything too easily for the whole of her life.

And while she could just be snarky and sarcastic about Sven's latest conquest of some random woman, it's different when he's apparently messing irresponsibly with somebody who's a good friend of hers.

Strictly speaking, Faye and Sven were sleeping together for a few months. They had a "one night stand" on Hanner's Birthday, They began banging semi regularly from when Faye tried to sabotage Will and Penolope (1191) until Sven slept with that country singer. (1334) In that time, the season changes to winter, Dora grows her hair out, Sven has an intern, Will goes on a journey of self discovery, etc.. I think they were together for at least three months, maybe more, judging by how long Dora's hair grew.

I do think Dora has a huge sibling complex, and while cutting Sven out of her life doesn't really make any sense in the Sven deliberately makes things difficult for Dora sense, it does make sense in terns of the energy that Dora wastes thinking about Sven and comparing her life to his. However, I'm not sure cutting Sven out of her life will stop Dora from comparing herself to him constantly.


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Who's going to be the first to Google that? (Not me.)
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Staying away from Google!


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Don't know if Google knows about my innocence, but my results were mostly about actual hot dogs.
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He had the look of a lawn mower just after the grass had organised a workers' collective.


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Musta had safe search turned off.
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See, My high school mentor used to say Knowledge is Power all the time. Little did I know what he was referring to the whole time  :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck:
This is Australia, mate. We don't do subtlety.


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The best result I got for this from Google was someone asking on Yahoo why their penis smelled like a vagina.


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I appreciate the break from the drama.  All hail our Benevolent Comic Overlord.


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Darn kids use google for everything these days. Back in my day, we had to grab a REAL wiener to see what it smelled like!
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The last panel reminded me of Schoolhouse Rock!


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... flagitious felines!

You sound like the sort of person who reads the dictionary for fun. (I can respect that.)
What would I do if I were smart?
I guess first I'd stop taking the stupid pills.

Is it cold in here?

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Thank you, Dr. Karikó.


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DAMNIT, sometimes you are worse than Willis!

I appreciate the break from the drama.  All hail our Benevolent Comic Overlord.
Sounds more like a Gretchin than an Orkboy to me. Xenos these days.
« Last Edit: 28 Aug 2014, 23:10 by michael28 »
The great question that has never been answered, and which I have not yet been able to answer, despite my thirty years of research into the feminine soul, is "What does a woman want?"
- Sigmund Freud -


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DAMNIT, sometimes you are worse than Willis!

I appreciate the break from the drama.  All hail our Benevolent Comic Overlord.
Sounds more like a Gretchin than an Orkboy to me. Xenos these days.

*hits with choppa*


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I suspect he's just throwing spaghetti at the wall on a bi-weekly basis, and whatever seems to stick hangs around.
Please, do not insult the pastafarians!
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I suspect he's just throwing spaghetti at the wall on a bi-weekly basis, and whatever seems to stick hangs around.
Please, do not insult the pastafarians!
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Isn't that how pastafarians make predictions, by relying on the seemingly random wiggles of their noodly lord?


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Isn't that how pastafarians make predictions, by relying on the seemingly random wiggles of their noodly lord?
Random input give random output. Ergo, no good for predictions. "Seemingly random" might mean two things:
  • There might be a hidden pattern, which can be uncovered by closer inspection
  • Or, it might be part of the numeric sequence of an irrational number. Pi is the best example. The numeric sequence appears random; still, it is completely predictable.
32. And so it came to pass that the Flying Spaghetti Monster took the rest of the weekend off, and on the Monday He did create another midgit; and He spake unto the midgit saying “Thou shalt remember that Friday is a holy day, when thou shalt get up to no mischief, for thou really doesn’t want to be on the receiving end of my divine retribution when I have a holy hangover”.



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No, Hannelore. That kind of knowledge only makes you a tart.


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No, Hannelore. That kind of knowledge only makes you a tart.

It makes you a little pastry dish?


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... flagitious felines!

You sound like the sort of person who reads the dictionary for fun. (I can respect that.)
To be honest, I looked up evil synonyms.


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No, Hannelore. That kind of knowledge only makes you a tart.
Chemistry lesson: The wiener (and vagina) sometimes smells like fish. The chemical compound causing this, is trimethylamine. More info here. Occasional fishy smell "down there" is quite common, and can be caused by diet, hormones, or your genetic makeup.


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No, Hannelore. That kind of knowledge only makes you a tart.
Moderator Comment Err... no.
I do not know where to start explaining what is wrong with that statement. Either the fact that you called Hannelore a sexist slur; or the fact that, you know, people on this very forum have smelled weiners and that you are thereby indirectly calling them tarts; or the plain simple fact that such knowledge is not limited to people with a great amount of sexual experience. Either way, I suggest you rethink what you are saying.
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No, Hannelore. That kind of knowledge only makes you a tart.
Err... no.
I do not know where to start explaining what is wrong with that statement. Either the fact that you called Hannelore a sexist slur; or the fact that, you know, people on this very forum have smelled weiners and that you are thereby indirectly calling them tarts; or the plain simple fact that such knowledge is not limited to people with a great amount of sexual experience. Either way, I suggest you rethink what you are saying.

I think freeman is implying that anyone who ever smelt a weiner is a tart.

Which is, as you quite rightly point out, ridiculous. Is every person who has smelt a vagina also a tart?

Only missionary sex each time, every time will save you from tartness! (It'll also make you rubbish in bed...)

Somnus Eternus

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No, Hannelore. That kind of knowledge only makes you a tart.

It makes you a little pastry dish?
(click to show/hide)

I'm so confused.  (Spoilers for size - that was way bigger than I expected.)


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No, Hannelore. That kind of knowledge only makes you a tart.

It makes you a little pastry dish?
(click to show/hide)

I'm so confused.  (Spoilers for size - that was way bigger than I expected.)
That looks more like Tai than Hannelore.
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Bulletin: Keep your genitals smelling pleasant, wash daily!

In poll news....

Something up beat and poppy! You can't spell "slaughter" without "laughter" after all! ...... (18.5%)
Slayer. Why is this even a question? ......(43.1%)
New Age Spathe Ham Electronica ...... (6.2%)
Dubstep, Drop the bass and dropkick someone's soul. ...... (12.3%)
I would tell you what band I'd go on a rampage to, but you'd have never heard of them. Pleb. (12.3%)
Dora should just calm down and visualize whirled peas till she feels better ...... (7.7%)

Slayer wins the week by a curbchecking landslide!

« Last Edit: 29 Aug 2014, 14:36 by Kugai »
I built the walls that make my life a prison, I built them all and cannot be forgiven... ...Sold my soul to carry your vendetta, So let me go before you can regret it, You've made your choice and now it's come to this, But that's price you pay when you're a monster with no name.


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Something going on, Hannelore wants to smell yo' dick.

Somnus Eternus

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No, Hannelore. That kind of knowledge only makes you a tart.

It makes you a little pastry dish?
(click to show/hide)

I'm so confused.  (Spoilers for size - that was way bigger than I expected.)
That looks more like Tai than Hannelore.

Oh man, you're DOES look more like Tai.  It actually looks a lot like Tai...

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Something going on, Hannelore wants to smell yo' dick.
Woah, don't be playin' her like a fool, coz that ain't cool.
This is Australia, mate. We don't do subtlety.
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