If Jeph does decide to motivate Sven into attempting a real relationship, who is most likely to be with? The date with Hanners was great to follow, but even Sven must be able to see that she needs more work than he does to attempt a proper emotional/physical relationship, the only other options I can see are Marigold or a stranger. [or he "turns" Tai ]
This is a good question to any fanboy who takes YB's prophecy as seriously as I do. Let's round up the usual suspects:
1) Dora. Ok. That would be stricly illegal (and is here only for the sake of completeness). Besides I don't see a way to break up Dora/Marten without CoD (as a central scene of action) and ultimately all of QCverse going with it.
2) Faye. This one *had* potential. Can't be ruled out logically, but would take some serious creative scripting from Jeph. But, hey! May be QC is supposed to pay Jeph & Christi's eventual kids thru college? But I'm so shipping for Fayngus that this would break my heart.
3) Hannelore. Not now. Or, not yet. A possible setting for them to grow closer to each other would include revival of Deathmole and Sven joining in and adding a degree of professionalism to the outfit. Hmm. More likely Jeph can think of a better scenario, if this is in the cards.
4) Marigold. WoW & a homeric chest. Not impossible as long as they promise to keep the training wheels on for now. Otherwise somebody could fall and get hurt. But is their any real chemistry? Can't see any, but I'm a math geek anyway.
5) Somebody else? (including Cosette, Lydia,...) Minor characters for now and not there/available at this time.
and worthy of a special mention ...
6) Vespavenger. Some might think that these two would deserve each other. Not so fitting for the New Sven, but may be she has reformed, too?