To who called Ms. Reed a porn star; she
wasn't a porn star, she was (is?) a fetish model/professional dominatrix. Professional doms don't (usually) actually have sex with their clients. She says
here that she was never fully nude in her photos.
Also, someone pointed out that even though you'd expect someone in the porn industry to look better, she probably does...when she's working. We're seeing her as a normal person, not Veronica Vance (can't remember who first made this point; sorry)
And to the person who tried to estimate Marten's age by using 1998 as his prom year, not bad assuming Marten was fresh out of college when the comic started, but I didn't get the impression that he was. Marten always talked about his old job like he'd been at it for quite awhile; I'd say at least a year. Then again it could have just seemed longer to him since he hated it so much. hmm....
The only real reason Ms. Reed looked better the last time she was in town was because Jeph didn't have the drawing ability to make her look properly aged. If you look closely at her face in
this comic, you can actually see attempts at age lines (not terrible attempts, they just aren't noticeable enough. Please don't kill me, Jeph!).